ctr-workspace bundles all the project folders.
See the README.md of each sub-folder for specific instructions (with the exception of ctr-homepage).
ctr-patient, ctr-backoffice-frontend and ctr-backoffice-backend provide 3 services that need to be running fot the ctr-patient/patient-ssapp to work in a standalone environment. See the start.sh script as an example of starting up all the services.
The ctr-backoffice-backend also depdends on a local PostgreSQL service (described on the README.md of ctr-backoffice-backend). If you want to avoid the complexity of setting up a PostgreSQL database locally, you may use the database at the DEV environment through the REST services, and only run the ctr-patient (and optionally the ctr-backoffice-frontend) locally. See the README.md of each application for more information on configuring REST services.
If you think you can contribute, please check with the team, if it is ok to submit a pull-request.