PhilAndrew / mockgenredisv9

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Potential bug between mockgen and redis cache v9


Running go test -cover ./... in the root directory here or running the test suite in mock_v9 directory shows the test failure result

wrong number of arguments in DoAndReturn func for *mock_v9.MockCmdable.MGet: got 3, want 2 [/build/mock_v9/redis_cache_v2_test.go:36]

This is not expected as 3 arguments are supplied and available on the method, I would expect this test which is in file redis_cache_v2_test.go to pass.

mockRedis.EXPECT().MGet(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).DoAndReturn(func(context context.Context, cacheKey string, deleteKey string)

Mock file generation

To generate the mock files (which already exist).

mockgen Cmdable > mock_v9/redis_mock.go

mockgen Pipeliner > mock_v9/redis_pipeliner_mock.go