Photon-AI-Research / NeuralSolvers

Neural network based solvers for partial differential equations and inverse problems :milky_way:. Implementation of physics-informed neural networks in pytorch.
MIT License
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computational-physics horovod neural-network partial-differential-equations pinn pytorch


Neural Solvers are neural network based solver for partial differential equations and inverse problems. The framework implements the physics-informed neural network approach on scale. Physics informed neural networks allow strong scaling by design. Therefore, we have developed a framework that uses data parallelism to accelerate the training of physics informed neural networks significantly. To implement data parallelism, we use the Horovod framework, which provides near-ideal speedup on multi-GPU regimes.

More details about our framework you can find in our recent publication:

P. Stiller, F. Bethke, M. Böhme, R. Pausch, S. Torge, A. Debus, J. Vorberger, M.Bussmann, N. Hoffmann: 
Large-scale Neural Solvers for Partial Differential Equations (2020).

Implemented Approaches:



cuda 10.2 # if gpu support is needed

Python requirements


Usage of Interface

At the beginning you have to implement the datasets following the torch.utils.Dataset interface

from import Dataset
sys.path.append(PATH_TO_PINN_FRAMEWORK)  # adding the pinn framework to your path
import PINNFramework as pf

class BoundaryConditionDataset(Dataset):

    def __init__(self, nb, lb, ub):
        Constructor of the initial condition dataset

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        Returns data for initial state

    def __len__(self):
        Length of the dataset

class InitialConditionDataset(Dataset):

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        Constructor of the boundary condition dataset


    def __len__(self):
        Length of the dataset

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        Returns item at given index

class PDEDataset(Dataset):
    def __init__(self, nf, lb, ub):
        Constructor of the PDE dataset

    def __len__(self):
        Length of the dataset

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        Returns item at given index

In the main function you can create the loss-terms and the corresponding datasets. And define the pde function f which is the residual of the pde given residual points and model predictions u. For the boundary conditions: neumann, robin, dirchlet and periodic boundary condititions are supported.

if __name__ == main :

    # initial condition
    ic_dataset = InitialConditionDataset(...)
    initial_condition = pf.InitialCondition(dataset=ic_dataset)
    # boundary conditions
    bc_dataset = BoundaryConditionDataset(...)
    periodic_bc_u = pf.PeriodicBC(...)
    periodic_bc_v = pf.PeriodicBC(...)
    periodic_bc_u_x = pf.RobinBC(...)
    periodic_bc_v_x = pf.NeumannBC(...)
    # PDE 
    pde_dataset = PDEDataset(...)

    def f(x, u):

        Defines the residual of the pde f(x,u)=0


    pde_loss = pf.PDELoss(dataset=pde_dataset, func=f)

Finally you can create a model which is the surrogate for the PDE and create the PINN enviorment which helps you to train the surrogate.

model = pf.models.MLP(input_size=2, output_size=2, hidden_size=100, num_hidden=4) # creating a model. For example a mlp
pinn = pf.PINN(model, input_size=2, output_size=2 ,pde_loss = pde_loss, initial_condition=initial_condition, boundary_condition = [...], use_gpu=True), 'Adam', 1e-3)

Deep HPM support

Instead of a PDE loss you can use a HPM model. The HPM model needs a function derivatives that calculates the needed derivatives, while the last returned derivative is the time_derivative. You can use the HPM loss a follows.

def derivatives(x,u):
    Returns the derivatives

        x (torch.Tensor) : residual points
        u (torch.Tensor) : predictions of the pde model

hpm_loss = pf.HPMLoss(pde_dataset,derivatives,hpm_model)
#HPM has no boundary conditions in general
pinn = pf.PINN(model, input_size=2, output_size=2 ,pde_loss = hpm_loss, initial_condition=initial_condition, boundary_condition = [], use_gpu=True)

Horovod Support

You can activate horovod support by setting the use_horovod flag in the constructor of the pinn

pinn = pf.PINN(model, input_size=2, output_size=2 ,pde_loss = pde_loss, initial_condition=initial_condition, boundary_condition = [...], use_gpu=True, use_horovod=True)
Keep in mind that the lbfgs-optimizer and the lbgfgs-finetuning is not supported with horovod activated. Another restriction is that the length or your dataset should not be smaller than the number of used GPUs for horovod.

Wandb support

Activate wandb-logging by creating an instance of a wandb logging. Its important that you have wandb installed. Look here for installing wandb:

logger = pf.WandbLogger(project, args) # create logger instance,logger=logger) # add logger to the fit method

Tensorboard support

Activate tensorboard-logging by creating an event file with tensorboardX. Its important that you have tensorboardX installed.

logger = pf.TensorBoardLogger(log_directory) # create logger instance,logger=logger) # add logger to the fit method


Scientific Supervision

Nico Hoffmann (HZDR)

Core Developers

Patrick Stiller (HZDR)
Maksim Zhdanov (HZDR)
Jeyhun Rustamov (HZDR)
Raj Dhansukhbhai Sutariya (HZDR)