PiRSquared17 / editra

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Project Name: Editra Author: Cody Precord Email: cprecord@editra.org




Compatibility: It has been tested on the following systems, but it should run on any system that supports python and wxpython.

Linux: Tested on Gentoo, Suse, and Unbuntu Recieves testing when ever my vm doesn't eat my install

Macintosh OS X: Primary development is on OS X so it recieves the most direct testing

Windows XP Recieves regression testing for before each release

Dependancies: If you wish to run the source code you will need to have the following libraries installed.

Required for all systems: Python 2.4 and higher ( http://python.org ) wxPython 2.8 ( http://wxpython.org ) setuptools 0.6 or higher (http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools)



