PierreExeter / cartpole3d_ros

The CartPole3D environment solved using reinforcement learning.
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The Cart Pole problem is solved in 3D using Reinforcement Learning (RL). The cartpole3d environment is implemented in ROS with the package openai_ros. The RL algorithms used for training are DQN, A2C, ACKTR, PPO, TRPO implemented in the stable-baselines library.


  1. Install ROS Melodic

  2. Install the openai_ros package.

    cd ~/catkin_make/src/
    git clone https://bitbucket.org/theconstructcore/openai_ros.git
    cd ~/catkin_make
    source devel/setup.bash
    rosdep install openai_ros
  3. Install Gym

    pip install gym
  4. Install stable-baselines

  5. Install cartpole3d

    cd ~/catkin_make/src/
    git clone https://github.com/PierreExeter/cartpole3d_ros.git
    cd ~/catkin_make
  6. Make the scripts executable

    chmod +x ~/catkin_make/src/cartpole3d/scripts/cartpole3d_random.py
    chmod +x ~/catkin_make/src/cartpole3d/scripts/cartpole3d_dqn.py
    chmod +x ~/catkin_make/src/cartpole3d/scripts/cartpole3d_trpo.py
    chmod +x ~/catkin_make/src/cartpole3d/scripts/cartpole3d_train_all.py
    chmod +x ~/catkin_make/src/cartpole3d/scripts/cartpole3d_enjoy_all.py
  7. Create simulation workspace

    mkdir -p ~/simluation_ws/src
    cd ..
    source devel/setup.bash
    rospack profile

Test the installation

roslaunch cartpole3d start_training_cartpole3d_random.launch 

You should see the cartpole executing random actions in Gazebo. cartpole

Perform training

roslaunch cartpole3d start_training_cartpole3d_train_all.launch 

Visualise training metrics in Tensorboard

cd ~/catkin_make/src/cartpole3d/results/
tensorboard --logdir=A2C:tensorboard_logs/A2C/,ACKTR:tensorboard_logs/ACKTR/,PPO2:tensorboard_logs/PPO2/,TRPO:tensorboard_logs/TRPO/

Observe trained agents

roslaunch cartpole3d start_training_cartpole3d_enjoy_all.launch 

Plot the results

cd ~/catkin_make/src/cartpole3d/scripts/
python plot_reward.py

Supported systems

Tested with: