PiervitoCreanza / IS24-AM02

This project is a Java-based implementation of the table game "Codex Naturalis", developed as the final project for the 2023/2024 Software Engineering course at Politecnico di Milano.
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Codex Naturalis (Java +  visionOS)

codex logo


Demo of the project

Project Overview

This project is a Java-based implementation of the table game "Codex Naturalis", developed as the Final Project for the 2023/2024 Software Engineering course at Politecnico di Milano. The team comprises Mattia Colombo, Piervito Creanza, Simone Curci, and Marco Febbo.

The implementation features both a command-line interface (CLI) and a JavaFX graphical user interface.

Check out our project presentation here.

Status of the work

Functionality Status
Basic rules :white_check_mark:
Complete rules :white_check_mark:
Socket connection :white_check_mark:
RMI connection :white_check_mark:
CLI :white_check_mark:
GUI :white_check_mark:
Multiple games :white_check_mark:
Persistence (*) :white_check_mark:
Resilience :white_check_mark:
Chat :white_check_mark:
VisionOS :ballot_box_with_check:

() For testing purposes.*

Legend Symbol Functionality status
:white_check_mark: Completed
:ballot_box_with_check: Planned, not started yet
:construction: Work in progress
:x: Not planned to be implemented

Game Description

"Codex Naturalis" is a strategic table game by Cranio Creations, where players compete to create the most valuable manuscript through card placement and layering. Learn more about the game here. Rules of the game here.

How to Compile with Maven

To compile the project using Maven, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you have Maven installed. You can download it from Maven's official website.
  2. Navigate to the root directory of the project where the pom.xml file is located.
  3. Run the following command to compile the project and package it into a JAR file:

    mvn clean package

This command will generate two jars: one for the client and one for the server in the target/jars folder

How to Run the Program

You can run the program using the JAR files found in the release section of the repository. Download the JAR files for the server and client from the releases page.

Running the Server

To run the server, use the following command:

java -jar server.jar [options]

Running the Client

To run the client, use the following command:

java -jar client.jar [options]

Server CLI Arguments

Argument Description Default Value
-tp, --tcp_port TCP ServerApp Port number (default is 12345). 12345
-rp, --rmi_port RMI ServerApp Port number (default is 1099). 1099
-ip Start the server with the specified IP address.
-l, --localhost Start the server with his localhost IP address.
--lan Start the server with his LAN IP address.
--debug Start the Server in DEBUG mode.
-h, --help Print the help message.

Client CLI Arguments

Argument Description Default Value
--l Start the client using a localhost connection.
--rmi, --rmi_mode Start the client using an RMI connection.
-s, --server_ip Server IP address.
-ip, --client_ip Client IP address.
-sp, --server_port Server port number (default is 12345 for TCP and 1099 for RMI).
-cp Client port number (default is server port number + 1).
--lan Start the client in LAN mode.
--tui, --tui_mode Start the client in TUI mode.
--debug Start the client in debug mode.
-h, --help Print the help message.

Future Scope

The project is poised for adaptation to Apple's visionOS, suggesting plans for expanded compatibility and potential new features for the visionOS environment. As discussed, implementation will be worked on after the final delivery.

Legal 🇬🇧

Codex Naturalis is a board game developed and published by Cranio Creations S.R.L. The graphic content of this project attributable to the tabletop publishing product is used with prior approval of Cranio Creations S.R.L. for educational purposes only. It is prohibited to distribute, copy or reproduce of the contents and images in any form outside the project, as well as the redistribution and publication of the contents and images for purposes other than the aforementioned. Commercial use of said content is also prohibited.

Legal 🇮🇹

Codex Naturalis è un gioco da tavolo sviluppato ed edito da Cranio Creations S.R.L. I contenuti grafici di questo progetto riconducibili al prodotto editoriale da tavolo sono utilizzati previa approvazione di Cranio Creations S.R.L. a solo scopo didattico. È vietata la distribuzione, la copia o la riproduzione dei contenuti e immagini in qualsiasi forma al di fuori del progetto, così come la redistribuzione e la pubblicazione dei contenuti e immagini a fini diversi da quello sopracitato. È inoltre vietato l'utilizzo commerciale di suddetti contenuti.