Pigmice2733 / PiRobotPy

An interface for python based wpilib on a raspberry pi to control mini robots
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Pigmice RobotPy for Raspberry Pi

This project is for running the RobotPy framework on our "minibots" based on the Raspberry Pi.

Currently we support using the Pololu Micro Maestro to output PWM signals over a USB port. This functionality should work on any PC, and the Raspberry Pi.


Start with an installation of python3 and pip3. Get these from your OS's package manager.

You can install pipenv with pip3 install pipenv.

Then, run

$ pipenv install

in this directory. This will fetch all of the project's dependencies from the internet and install them.

To change your shell to use the packages installed for this project, run

$ pipenv shell

Now you are ready to develop for this project. When you run python it will know about all the installed dependencies.

Using this code

run mode

There is sufficient scaffolding to make the robotpy run command work, you invoke this with python robot.py run. Right now this will launch a thread that monitors PWM and prints debug output. Someone needs to change this to open a micro maestro, if one is present, and send the PWM values to the micro maestro.

sim mode

A physics model for a simple tank drive robot is currently implemented. This can be run in the simulator with python robot.py sim. The simulator can be used either by manually controlling joystick inputs, or by hooking up physical joysticks.