Open amoroder opened 10 years ago
I wonder if it's a good idea to store your pdf in en blob columns ? It seems you will get some performance issues. I think it is better to store it in filesystem There are some good discussion over this topic here. anyway, take a look at my answer to this post on stackoverflow. hth
instead of Output() procedure use the below function it will return you the pdf.
procedure helloworld is begin FPDF('P','cm','A4'); openpdf; AddPage(); SetFont('Arial','B',16); Cell(0,1.2,'Hello World',0,1,'C'); insert into test_pdf values (pl_fpdf.outputf ()); end helloworld;
function Outputf(pname varchar2 default null,pdest varchar2 default null) return blob is myName word := pname; myDest word := pdest; v_doc blob; -- finally complete document v_blob blob; v_clob clob; v_in pls_integer; v_out pls_integer; v_lang pls_integer; v_warning pls_integer; v_len pls_integer; begin dbms_lob.createtemporary(v_blob, false, dbms_lob.session); dbms_lob.createtemporary(v_doc, false, dbms_lob.session); -- Output PDF to some destination -- Finish document if necessary if state < 3 then ClosePDF(); end if; myDest := strtoupper(myDest); if(myDest is null) then if(myName is null) then myName := 'doc.pdf'; myDest := 'I'; else myDest := 'D'; end if; end if;
-- restitution du contenu...
v_len := 1;
for i in pdfDoc.first..pdfDoc.last loop
v_clob := to_clob(pdfDoc(i));
if v_clob is not null then
v_in := 1;
v_out := 1;
v_lang := 0;
v_warning := 0;
v_len := dbms_lob.getlength(v_clob);
dbms_lob.convertToBlob(v_blob, v_clob, v_len,
v_in, v_out, dbms_lob.default_csid, v_lang, v_warning);
dbms_lob.append(v_doc, dbms_lob.substr(v_blob, v_len));
end if;
end loop;
-- wpg_docload.download_file(v_doc);
exception when others then error('Outputf : '||sqlerrm); end Outputf;
Am 11.06.2014 21:22, schrieb szamrud:
instead of Output() procedure use the below function it will return you the pdf.
Thank you very much Andreas
Hello Pilooz,
I discovered something very strange.
I have a for loop that generates PDF documents. The more PDFs I create, the slower the procedure becomes. The first 10 pdfs are created in 9 seconds, for the pdf from 41 to 50 it runs ( sort of ) more than 67 seconds !
08.08.2014 15:58:03 ( start ) 08.08.2014 15:58:12 08.08.2014 15:58:33 08.08.2014 15:59:07 08.08.2014 15:59:57 08.08.2014 16:01:04 ( End )
If I comment out the PDF part the loop over the 50 records happen ins less than 1 second
08.08.2014 16:04:32 08.08.2014 16:04:32 08.08.2014 16:04:32 08.08.2014 16:04:32 08.08.2014 16:04:32 08.08.2014 16:04:32
Is this a known problem of the fpdf library or is this a problem of the pl/Sql interpreter ?
Do you know a solution ?
Thanks Andreas
as I wrote yesterday the package has performance problems if many pdfs are created. I found the reason and now on our server it creates constantly 5 pdfs per second.
In the declaration part of the body
I added
leer tv32k; -- empty Array
and then I added one line to the initialization procedure
procedure fpdf (orientation varchar2 default 'P', unit varchar2 default 'mm', format varchar2 default 'A4') is myorientation word := orientation; myformat word := format; mymargin margin; begin -- Some checks p_dochecks(); -- Initialization of properties page:=0; n:=2; -- Open the final structure for the PDF document.
-- Andreas: pdfdoc is reset at every new document pdfDoc:=leer;
pdfDoc(1) := null;
Bye Andreas
Hi Amoroder, I don't see the code you added. Could you please post a pull request, if you changed some code in pl_fpdf ?
Am 11.08.2014 um 09:48 schrieb Pierre-Gilles Levallois:
Hi Amoroder, I don't see the code you added. Could you please post a pull request, if you changed some code in pl_fpdf ?
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I did not change your original code, because I am not the big pl/sql expert and I was sure there is a better way to do it then way I did it.
Now i googled and found this simple solution:oneliner.
In the procedure fpdf
add this line pdfDoc.delete();
before pdfDoc(1) := null;
( I dont'know if this assignment is necessary at all )
More about delete on
Bye Andreas
I am new to pl_fpdf and relatively new to pl/Sql. I would like to create a PDF ( I can start from the examples ) and store the PDF in a tables BLOB file. I don't know ho to do this last part.
Could you please help me to handle this probably simple task
Regards Andrea