Pilooz / pl_fpdf

PL-SQL library to generate pdf files from Oracle database.
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usage of pl_fpdf #1

Open amoroder opened 10 years ago

amoroder commented 10 years ago


I am new to pl_fpdf and relatively new to pl/Sql. I would like to create a PDF ( I can start from the examples ) and store the PDF in a tables BLOB file. I don't know ho to do this last part.

Could you please help me to handle this probably simple task

Regards Andrea

Pilooz commented 10 years ago

I wonder if it's a good idea to store your pdf in en blob columns ? It seems you will get some performance issues. I think it is better to store it in filesystem There are some good discussion over this topic here. anyway, take a look at my answer to this post on stackoverflow. hth

szamrud commented 10 years ago

instead of Output() procedure use the below function it will return you the pdf.

procedure helloworld is begin FPDF('P','cm','A4'); openpdf; AddPage(); SetFont('Arial','B',16); Cell(0,1.2,'Hello World',0,1,'C'); insert into test_pdf values (pl_fpdf.outputf ()); end helloworld;

function Outputf(pname varchar2 default null,pdest varchar2 default null) return blob is myName word := pname; myDest word := pdest; v_doc blob; -- finally complete document v_blob blob; v_clob clob; v_in pls_integer; v_out pls_integer; v_lang pls_integer; v_warning pls_integer; v_len pls_integer; begin dbms_lob.createtemporary(v_blob, false, dbms_lob.session); dbms_lob.createtemporary(v_doc, false, dbms_lob.session); -- Output PDF to some destination -- Finish document if necessary if state < 3 then ClosePDF(); end if; myDest := strtoupper(myDest); if(myDest is null) then if(myName is null) then myName := 'doc.pdf'; myDest := 'I'; else myDest := 'D'; end if; end if;

-- restitution du contenu...
  v_len := 1;
  for i in pdfDoc.first..pdfDoc.last loop
     v_clob := to_clob(pdfDoc(i));
     if v_clob is not null then
        v_in := 1;
        v_out := 1;
        v_lang := 0;
        v_warning := 0;
        v_len := dbms_lob.getlength(v_clob);
        dbms_lob.convertToBlob(v_blob, v_clob, v_len,
           v_in, v_out, dbms_lob.default_csid, v_lang, v_warning);
        dbms_lob.append(v_doc, dbms_lob.substr(v_blob, v_len));
     end if;
  end loop;
 -- wpg_docload.download_file(v_doc);

exception when others then error('Outputf : '||sqlerrm); end Outputf;

amoroder commented 10 years ago

Am 11.06.2014 21:22, schrieb szamrud:

instead of Output() procedure use the below function it will return you the pdf.

Thank you very much Andreas

amoroder commented 10 years ago

Hello Pilooz,

I discovered something very strange.

I have a for loop that generates PDF documents. The more PDFs I create, the slower the procedure becomes. The first 10 pdfs are created in 9 seconds, for the pdf from 41 to 50 it runs ( sort of ) more than 67 seconds !

08.08.2014 15:58:03 ( start ) 08.08.2014 15:58:12 08.08.2014 15:58:33 08.08.2014 15:59:07 08.08.2014 15:59:57 08.08.2014 16:01:04 ( End )

If I comment out the PDF part the loop over the 50 records happen ins less than 1 second

08.08.2014 16:04:32 08.08.2014 16:04:32 08.08.2014 16:04:32 08.08.2014 16:04:32 08.08.2014 16:04:32 08.08.2014 16:04:32

Is this a known problem of the fpdf library or is this a problem of the pl/Sql interpreter ?

Do you know a solution ?

Thanks Andreas

amoroder commented 10 years ago


as I wrote yesterday the package has performance problems if many pdfs are created. I found the reason and now on our server it creates constantly 5 pdfs per second.

In the declaration part of the body

I added

leer tv32k; -- empty Array

and then I added one line to the initialization procedure

procedure fpdf (orientation varchar2 default 'P', unit varchar2 default 'mm', format varchar2 default 'A4') is myorientation word := orientation; myformat word := format; mymargin margin; begin -- Some checks p_dochecks(); -- Initialization of properties page:=0; n:=2; -- Open the final structure for the PDF document.

-- Andreas: pdfdoc is reset at every new document pdfDoc:=leer;

pdfDoc(1) := null;

Bye Andreas

Pilooz commented 10 years ago

Hi Amoroder, I don't see the code you added. Could you please post a pull request, if you changed some code in pl_fpdf ?

amoroder commented 10 years ago

Am 11.08.2014 um 09:48 schrieb Pierre-Gilles Levallois:

Hi Amoroder, I don't see the code you added. Could you please post a pull request, if you changed some code in pl_fpdf ?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/Pilooz/pl_fpdf/issues/1#issuecomment-51750662.


I did not change your original code, because I am not the big pl/sql expert and I was sure there is a better way to do it then way I did it.

Now i googled and found this simple solution:oneliner.

In the procedure fpdf

add this line pdfDoc.delete();

before pdfDoc(1) := null;

( I dont'know if this assignment is necessary at all )

More about delete on http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/appdev.102/b14261/collection_method.htm

Bye Andreas