Pilooz / pl_fpdf

PL-SQL library to generate pdf files from Oracle database.
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Pl_fpdf is a pl/sql package that provides functions and procedure to produce pdf files from Oracle database.

This code gives you the same functions than FPDF, except that it converts all the images you need in PNG. PHP library FPDF which was written by Olivier Plathey. (http://www.fpdf.org/)

Required Environment

Sample codes

Put an image in a pdf file procedure testImg is img varchar2(2000); begin pdf.FPDF('P','cm','A4'); pdf.openpdf; pdf.AddPage(); pdf.SetFont('Arial','B',16); img := 'http://www.laclasse.com/v25/images/logo-laclasse.gif'; pdf.Image(img,1, 1, 10); pdf.Output(); end testImg;