Pilzinsel64 / PlayerTags

A Dalamud plugin for Lightweight job visibility in nameplates and chat. Create custom tags and add them to players with the context menu.
MIT License
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Job Icons on Nameplates #1

Closed Pilzinsel64 closed 1 year ago

Pilzinsel64 commented 1 year ago

To get job icons or a larger icon size there are some steps to do before because of limitations. PR: (comming soon) Refered Issues: https://github.com/r00telement/PlayerTags/issues/8, https://github.com/r00telement/PlayerTags/issues/12

Current behavior and limits:

What could be done?




Pilzinsel64 commented 1 year ago

Since implementing this features would include a lot of stuff and code from PartyIcons, I will stop working on this here. Probably I will continue somewhen in the future and then use PartyIcons as addon.

But feel free to open a Pull Request, if you have too much time and want it finsihed soon. :D

Instead I made a description how to basic combine this plugin with PartyIcons. https://github.com/Pilzinsel64/PlayerTags/blob/main/PlayerTags/Documentation/How%20To%20-%20Combine%20with%20PartyIcons.md

Jacien commented 1 year ago

It'd be cool if the glowing gold Job/class icons could be implemented. I mainly used those from PartyIcons, but the issue with that plugin is that it'll block regular icons like the AFK/Busy/Cutscene. So I opted to use this plugin instead, cause it's simple/clean and doesn't block the regular icons. Took some getting used to text, but it's nice.

But if the icons are ever looked into again, the ingame Icon IDs for the glowing class/job icons are:

062301 - Gladiator 062302 - Pugilist 062303 - Marauder 062304 - Lancer 062305 - Archer 062306 - Conjurer 062307 - Thaumaturge 062308 - Arcanist 062309 - Rogue 062310 - Carpenter 062311 - Blacksmith 062312 - Armorer 062313 - Goldsmith 062314 - Leatherworker 062315 - Weaver 062316 - Alchemist 062317 - Culinarian 062318 - Miner 062319 - Botanist 062320 - Fisher 062401 - Paladin 062402 - Monk 062403 - Warrior 062404 - Dragoon 062405 - Bard 062406 - White Mage 062407 - Black Mage 062408 - Summoner 062409 - Scholar 062410 - Ninja 062411 - Machinist 062412 - Dark Knight 062413 - Astrologian 062414 - Samurai 062415 - Red Mage 062416 - Blue Mage 062417 - Gunbreaker 062418 - Dancer 062419 - Reaper 062420 - Sage

Pilzinsel64 commented 1 year ago

Thanks @Jacien I did see them in PartyIcons too. Will use them when needed. ;) The problem is that I can't put normal icons into a text. I can only use icons that are within this enum, so they are available as Font to be used in texts. That's why there are only role icons atm and why PartyIcons displays the icon on the place of the status icon (because it's the place for real icons in the nameplate).

Pilzinsel64 commented 1 year ago

There seems things possible that I thought that are not. Will investigate a bit time for checking that out. https://discord.com/channels/581875019861328007/653504487352303619/1017686190113169419

Pilzinsel64 commented 1 year ago

Updated the whole issue at the top with up-to-date description and plans.