Pilzinsel64 / PlayerTags

A Dalamud plugin for Lightweight job visibility in nameplates and chat. Create custom tags and add them to players with the context menu.
MIT License
5 stars 5 forks source link

Player Tags

Lightweight job visibility in nameplates and chat. Create custom tags and add them to players with the context menu.


You want to help and contribute to this project? \ Feel free to open a pull request with your enhancements or bug fixes!


You want to help and translate this plugin to your/other language(s)? \ Start translation here on Crowdin!

If you want to contribute to a language that isn't listed, just tell me with an Issue or on goat's Discord Server (yes, feel free to ping me). ^^

Language Contributors Comments
English Pilzinsel64 Source Language
German Pilzinsel64, xEbony
Spanish Risu
French Khayle
Japanese Refer
Chinese Andypsl8, yqdyqd
... You?


This plugin was originally developed by r00telement but forked and continued by Pilzinsel64.