Pilzinsel64 / PlayerTags

A Dalamud plugin for Lightweight job visibility in nameplates and chat. Create custom tags and add them to players with the context menu.
MIT License
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Suggestion: Option to allow GPose icon to override the job icon. #2

Closed RorschachsDream closed 1 year ago

RorschachsDream commented 1 year ago

The base game has a camera icon when someone is in GPose, unfortunately the job icon is in the same spot and overrides the GPose icon, rendering you unable to tell when someone is GPosing unless they're on your friends and you check the friends list.

I'd like an option to let the GPose icon either override the job icon, or appear next to it, so I can tell when people are GPosing. :)

RorschachsDream commented 1 year ago

Oh my god I'm stupid this is the wrong plugin LOL, my bad.

Pilzinsel64 commented 1 year ago

No problem. ;)