Pilzinsel64 / PlayerTags

A Dalamud plugin for Lightweight job visibility in nameplates and chat. Create custom tags and add them to players with the context menu.
MIT License
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[Suggestion] Allow to change nameplate size #5

Closed Guilhem30 closed 1 year ago

Guilhem30 commented 1 year ago

It would be nice if we were able to modify the size of the nameplate text. The base game allow to change it with 3 different options but the smallest size is still too big for people playing on a low resolution (like under 1080p)

Would it be possible to add this ?

Pilzinsel64 commented 1 year ago

Hm, not sure. The problem with sizing I also have in #1. It's not possible on this way I guess. It may be possible on overwriting the system settings, but then it make more sense to be an option in the Simple Tweaks plugin. 🤔 Could check again, if it's possible somehow to resize the text of the nameplate, but I assume that not.

Pilzinsel64 commented 1 year ago

Did some research but sadly it's not possible. The game seems not to have that feature for setting the font size within the nameplate, only for the whole nameplate via the client settings.