Pinvoice / pipedrive-php-api

PHP API for Pipedrive. Currently supports READ-ONLY requests.
MIT License
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Add Activities #1

Closed melvinsh closed 9 years ago

melvinsh commented 10 years ago

Activities are appointments/tasks/events on a calendar that can be associated with a Deal, a Person and an Organization. Activities can be of different type (such as call, meeting, lunch or a custom type - see ActivityTypes object) and can be assigned to a particular User. Note that activities can also be created without a specific date/time.

GET Get all activities assigned to a particular user/activities GET Get details of an activity/activities/:id POST Add an activity/activities PUTE dit an activity/activities/:id DELETE Delete an activity/activities/:id DELETE Delete multiple activities in bulk/activities

ActivityTypes represent different kinds of activities that can be stored. Each ActivityType is presented to the user with an icon and a name. Additionally, a color can be defined (not implemented in the Pipedrive app as of today). ActivityTypes are linked to Activities via ActivityType.key_string = Activity.type. The key_string will be generated by the API based on the given name of the ActivityType upon creation, and cannot be changed. ActivityTypes should be presented to the user in an ordered manner, using the ActivityType.order_nr value.

GET Get all activity types/activityTypes POST Add new activity type/activityTypes PUT Edit activity type/activityTypes/:id DELETE Delete an activity type/activityTypes/:id DELETE Delete multiple activity types in bulk/activityTypes