Pinvoice / pipedrive-php-api

PHP API for Pipedrive. Currently supports READ-ONLY requests.
MIT License
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PHP API for Pipedrive. Work in progress!

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API Implementation Documentation
Activities X X
Deals P
DealFields P
Email X X
Files X X
Notes X X
Organizations X X
Persons P
PersonFields P
Pipelines P
Products X X
Stages P


Add the package as a dependency in your composer.json file:

require {
    "pinvoice/pipedrive-php-api": "dev-master"

Include the composer autoloader in your script. Set your Pipedrive API token and create an instance of the API.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Pinvoice\Pipedrive\API as PipedriveAPI;

$pipedrive = new PipedriveAPI(getenv('PIPEDRIVE_TOKEN'));



// Get all deals

// Get all deals, with optional filters
  'filter_id' => 12,
  'start' => 3,
  'limit' => 1,
  'sort_by' => 'first_name',
  'sort_mode' => 'asc',
  'owned_by_you' => true

// Get deal by ID

// Find deals by name
    'term' => 'money'

// Find deals by name, with optional filters
    'term' => 'money',
    'person_id' => 1,
    'org_id' => 2


// Get all deal fields
$dealfields = $pipedrive->dealfields->getDealFields();

// Get deal field object by key (from deal fields set)
$field = $pipedrive->dealfields->getDealFieldByKey('109204dc0283d5ced6c0438f8b7a220ecac9238d', $dealfields);

// Translate custom fields in Deal object(s), keys to text
// For example, this will replace $deal->109204dc0283d5ced6c0438f8b7a220ecac9238d with $deal->test 
$deals = $pipedrive->deals->getDeals();

foreach ($deals as $deal) {


// Get all persons

// Get all persons, with optional filters
  'filter_id' => 12,
  'start' => 3,
  'limit' => 1,
  'sort_by' => 'first_name',
  'sort_mode' => 'asc'

// Get person by ID

// Find person by name
  'term' => 'Junior'

// Find persons by name, with optional filters
  'term' => 'Junior',
  'person_id' => 1,
  'org_id' => 2,
  'start' => 1,
  'limit' => 1,
  'search_by_email' => false


// Get all person fields
$personfields = $pipedrive->personfields->getPersonFields();

// Get person field object by key (from person fields set)
$field = $pipedrive->personfields->getPersonFieldByKey('109204dc0283d5ced6c0438f8b7a220ecac9238d', $personfields);

// Translate custom fields in Person object(s), keys to text
// For example, this will replace $person->109204dc0283d5ced6c0438f8b7a220ecac9238d with $person->test 
$persons = $pipedrive->persons->getPersons();

foreach ($persons as $person) {


// Get all pipelines

// Get pipeline by ID


// Get all stages

// Get stage by ID

// Returns stages for provided pipeline


Put PIPEDRIVE_TOKEN in your environment. Or put the following in phpunit.xml.

    <env name="PIPEDRIVE_TOKEN" value="some_token"/>

Run tests with phpunit (-v) tests.