Pinvoice / pipedrive-php-api

PHP API for Pipedrive. Currently supports READ-ONLY requests.
MIT License
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Add Organizations #7

Closed melvinsh closed 9 years ago

melvinsh commented 10 years ago

Organizations are companies and other kinds of organizations you are making Deals with. Persons can be associated with organizations so that each organization can contain one or more Persons.

GET Get all organizations/organizations GET Get details of an organization/organizations/:id POST Add an organization/organizations PUT Update an organization/organizations/:id DELETE Delete an organization/organizations/:id DELETE Delete multiple organizations in bulk/organizations

GET List files attached to an organization/organizations/:id/files GET List e-mail messages associated with an organization/organizations/:id/emailMessages GET List followers of an organization/organizations/:id/followers GET List persons of an organization/organizations/:id/persons GET List deals associated with an organization/organizations/:id/deals GET List activities associated with an organization/organizations/:id/activities GET List updates about an organization/organizations/:id/updates GET List permitted users/organizations/:id/permittedUsers POST Merge two organizations/organizations/:id/merge

GET Find organizations by name/organizations/find

OrganizationFields represent the near-complete schema for an Organization in the context of the company of the authorized user. Each company can have a different schema for their Organizations, with various custom fields. In the context of using OrganizationFiels as a schema for defining the data fields of an Organization, it must be kept in mind that some types of custom fields can have additional data fields which are not separate OrganizationFields per se. Such is the case with monetary, daterange and timerange fields – each of these fields will have one additional data field in addition to the one presented in the context of OrganizationFields. For example, if there is a monetary field with the key 'ffk9s9' stored on the account, 'ffk9s9' would hold the numeric value of the field, and 'ffk9s9_currency' would hold the ISO currency code that goes along with the numeric value. To find out which data fields are available, fetch one Organization and list its keys.

GET Get all organization fields/organizationFields GET Get one organization field/organizationFields/:id POST Add a new organization field/organizationFields DELETE Delete an organization field/organizationFields/:id DELETE Delete multiple organization fields in bulk/organizationFields