Piotrekol / CollectionManager

An extensive tool for creating, editing, and exporting of osu! collections.
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Collection Manager

An extensive tool for creating, editing, and exporting of osu! collections.


You can download the latest release of Collection Manager here: Releases. Files to download are in the Assets dropdown at the bottom of the release.

For Windows, download CollectionManagerSetup.exe.

For Linux, through wine, you likely need to use CollectionManagerSetup_linux.exe. The same may be true for MacOS.


On the first start of Collection Manager, it will attempt to automatically detect your osu! folder. If it detects incorrectly or cannot automatically detect your osu! folder, you will have to select Load beatmaps from a different location and locate your osu! folder manually.

You may also select Load your osu! collection, Load osu! collection from file, or Continue without loading any more collections from the startup screen. To make these selections automatic upon startup, check Use selected options on startup.

To reset your settings, go to Collection Manager's top menu and select Settings > Reset then restart Collection Manager.

If your osu! folder is not configured in Collection Manager, .db collections will only show hashes instead of identifying maps using your osu! songs, you will not be able to open or save to your osu! collection directly and you will not be able to view the beatmap listing in Collection Manager. Most features will still function.


Opening Collections

Collections can be loaded into Collection Manager in the following ways:

Saving Collections

Collections can be saved by going to the top menu, selecting File > Save and any of the following options:

In addition to these methods of saving collections, they can also be exported as a list in plaintext by going to the top menu and selecting File > Listing then either of the following options:

Collection Manager cannot open or import these lists back into collections. They can only be exported from collections that are already loaded. Make sure to save your collections in .db or .osdb format in addition to this.

Saving Maps

Maps can be exported and packed into .osz files by right clicking on a collection or map and selecting Export beatmap sets.

Collection File Formats

Collection Manager can handle the following two types of collection formats:

Downloading Maps from Collections

Collection Manager can automatically download maps for you if you load in a .osdb collection with maps you do not already have. You cannot use a .db collection for downloading.

Excessive downloading of maps could lead to your osu! account being temporarily download banned by the osu! servers. Collection Manager has no control over this, but to help prevent download bans, Collection Manager limits downloads to 170 mapsets per hour and 3 mapsets per minute.

To start downloading missing maps from all loaded collections:

Go to the top menu, select Online > Download all missing maps, select a directory to download to, then enter in cookies. To get your cookies follow this Tutorial for getting cookies on Chrome (it should be nearly the same on all browsers). Make sure you are logged in to your osu! account and when copying the cookie, get the entire string after cookie:. Do not use set-cookie: or any other headers.

DO NOT share these cookies with anyone else. They contain temporary information for your browser to access your account which is required for downloads.

Download progress can be monitored in the Download list window. If closed, this window can be restored by selecting Online > Show map downloads from the top menu. The Progress column can be expanded using the dividers at the top to check when new downloads will start. Throttled downloads will show this message when the column is not expanded: Next download slot a.... This does not mean downloads have failed. They will automatically start again.

Generating Collections

Selecting Online > Generate collection will bring up the Collection Generator.

This can be used to create collections from the top plays of specific players.

Once collections are generated, upon closing the Collection Generator they will be loaded into the collection listing.

Creating and Editing Collections

The following opinions are made available by right clicking in the left panel:

Adding Maps to Collections

Maps can be added to existing collections in two ways:

osu!Stats Collections

Collection Manager can be integrated into osu!Stats for uploading local collections and loading in online collections.

First, you will need to log in using your osu!Stats api key. You can get your api key here while logged in to osu!Stats. Enter your api key into Collection Manager by going to Osustats collections > Login... on the top menu. If you need to change your api key later, you can do so by selecting Osustats collections > Logged in as {username} and inputting the api key.

After you've entered your api key, you can upload your own collections to osu!Stats and load your uploaded collections into Collection Manager.

If you have a collection with missing maps, osu!Stats may be able to repair the collection and find those missing maps for you. To do this, upload the collection to osu!Stats by going to Osustats collections > Upload new collection and selecting the collection to upload. osu!Stats will then process the collection and if there are any missing maps that can be identified, they will be found. Processing of some collections can take a long time. You may also need to restart Collection Manager and load the collection from Osustats collections > Your collections to get it to refresh.

CLI Usage

The following command-line options are supported:

-o / --Output: Required. Output filename with or without a path. The filename extension will specify which format to save in: .db or .osdb.

-b / --BeatmapIds: Comma or whitespace separated list of beatmap ids. This can also be a path to a file containing this list.

-i / --Input: Input .db/.osdb collection file.

-l / --OsuLocation: The location of your osu! directory or a directory containing a valid osu!.db. If not provided, Collection Manager will attempt to find it automatically.

-s / --SkipOsuLocation: Skip loading of osu! database.

--help: Display the help screen.

--version: Display version information.