Piroro-hs / react-native-twitter

A Twitter API client library for React Native. Currently not maintained as my main motivation of creating this library was to use the User Streams API.
MIT License
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javascript react-native twitter twitter-api


A Twitter API client library for React Native


npm i react-native-twitter -S
react-native link

If you use 3-legged authorization, you need to add the deep link scheme for your callback URL. See React Native docs and example for more info.


import twitter, {auth} from 'react-native-twitter';

auth(tokens, callbackUrl[, options])

Get the client's authentication tokens via 3-legged authorization.

auth(tokens, pinPromise[, options])

Get the client's authentication tokens via PIN-based authorization.

const client = twitter(tokens)

Create a Twitter API client.

const {rest, stream} = twitter(tokens);

rest.get(path[, params])

Make GET requests.

rest.post(path[, params])

Make POST requests.

There is no File or Blob in React Native, but you can use Object with uri property as media files for media uploading endpoints such as account/update_profile_image. Below is an example of changing profile image to the latest photo from CameraRoll.

CameraRoll.getPhotos({first: 1})
  .then(({edges: [{node: {image}}]}) => rest.post('account/update_profile_image', {image}))
  .then(() => {console.log('done');})

stream(path, params) (Android only)

Connect to Streaming APIs.