PiSiDo is developed to create pisi packages which is the package manager of the PisiLinux. Aim of the PiSiDo is to be a start point which are new to PISI package system. And also to be a simple program to make packages from source code for end users. PiSiDo does not use PISI features at full capacity. It collects necessery information to build basic packages.
* While building :
* Writes GUI fields to pspec.xml file.
* Make ready tamplate, highlihting and autocomplete at the actions.py file.
* Can manage patches.
* Can label files and directories which are created after build.
* You can operate only up to defined build steps.
* While importing :
* Reads pspec.xml from defined workspace directory. After import, the fiels
in the XML file will untouched which have no match at the GUI.
* You can edit imported actions.py.
* You can see the history of the package.
* While creating the menu icon :
* Creates an example .desktop and icon file.
* You can change view with movable and dockable windows.
* You can see what is happining during build phase from internal terminal.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the latest version of GNU General Public License. Please read the LICENSE file for the license.
Please read help/help_en_US.pdf or Help in the program.
To install, Qt development toolsand packages, QTermWidget and QScintilla2 development files must install ot the system.
Required pakages can install on to PisiLinux like this :
sudo pisi it -c system.devel
sudo pisi it qt-creator
sudo pisi it qscintilla2-devel
sudo pisi it qtermwidget5-devel
To compile and run program enter these commands :
cd pisido_source_code_directory
qmake pisido.pro
If you want to install it:
make install
Also you can make a pisi package with PiSiDo to install itself :)
If you want to add a new language file, you can make a pisi package which will install pisido*.qm file to the /usr/share/pisido/translations/ and help.pdf file to /usr/share/pisido/help/. PiSiDo is searching pisido_.qm files for the language selection.