PistoiaHELM / HELMWebEditor

Web browser based editor for drawing HELM macromolecules.
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IMPORTANT searching monomers in the monomer manager is broken #204

Closed ClairePA closed 6 years ago

ClairePA commented 6 years ago

At present there are two boxes for searching in the monomer manager


I see from the Swagger that there is only one webservice for searching against name and it searches against both name and symbol.

I would prefer that there were separate searches for symbol and name and we developed appropriate webservices to support this, however, in the meantime, can we put a temporary fix in place? Please can we combine the symbol and name boxes in the UI and make it clear that they search both fields?

scilligence commented 6 years ago


Could you check if this is correct?

Here are the queries:

  1. Search by Name, which works:

  2. Searc by Symbol, which doesn't:

MarkusWeisser commented 6 years ago

Yes, there was an issue with symbol search. Fixed in latest release: https://github.com/PistoiaHELM/HELMMonomerService/releases/tag/1.0.2

Example: http://localhost:8080/HELM2MonomerService/rest/monomer/RNA?filter=ime&filterField=symbol&limit=10&offset=0

ClairePA commented 6 years ago

Tested in latest version. Confirmed search is working perfectly.