PistoiaHELM / HELMWebEditor

Web browser based editor for drawing HELM macromolecules.
MIT License
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HELM Web Editor

HELM Web Editor (HWE) is a tool to draw, display and edit HELM molecules, which is built in Javascript.

For general information and user guides, please visit the HELM wiki page

How to Install

1 Install on Tomcat

1.1. Install HELM2MonomerService ( HELM2MonomerService.war )

1.2 Install HELM2WebService ( WebService.war )

1.3 Install HELMWebEditor ( hwe-1.1.0.zip )

Verification: There will be two folders in this folder C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\webapps\ : HELM2MonomerService and WebService

2. Install on IIS

How to Build

For developer convenience, all JavaScript source code is stored as separate files in the .\helm\ folder.

There is a _merge.helm.bat, a Windows batch file, which can be used to merge all source code files into one file: .\JSDraw\Pistoia.HELM-uncompressed.js. Alternatively you can use your preferred tools from the many modern JS packaging tools available today. (webpack as an example).

How to Access the Demo Version

A demo version is available at: http://webeditor.openhelm.org/hwe/examples/App.htm

Health warning:
The monomers provided may change over time as we do not regulate public use of the monomer manager. The demo version is only available to give interested parties a quick way to try out the functionality and should not be used for serious purposes.

Further Information

How to change the monomer repository

You can change the HWE configuration, helm_config.js, to point to your own monomer repository. This config file is in: https://github.com/PistoiaHELM/HELMWebEditor/blob/master/HELM/source/examples/helm_config.js

url is the parameter should be changed:

The default URL calls the HELMMonomerService which is a RESTful web service that includes an API to retrieve monomers.

How to show HELM molecules in view-only mode

Technically you need only the Canvas for viewonly mode to display HELM structure. The Canvas is JSDraw. So you need to do the following:

Example Code:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://SERVER/JSDraw/monomerdb20161106.js"></script>
<div id='Div2' dataformat='helm' data="PEPTIDE1{A.C.T.G.C.T.W.G.T.W.E.C.W.C.Q.W}|PEPTIDE2{A.C.T.G.C.T.W.G.T.W.E.Q}$PEPTIDE1,PEPTIDE1,5:R3-14:R3|PEPTIDE2,PEPTIDE1,2:R3-12:R3$$$"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
    dojo.ready(function () {
        var jsd = new JSDraw("Div2", { width: 800, height: 400, skin: "w8", viewonly: true });