PistoiaHELM / HELMWebEditor

Web browser based editor for drawing HELM macromolecules.
MIT License
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The web-editor does not handle annotations in the HELM third section #209

Open ClairePA opened 6 years ago

ClairePA commented 6 years ago

The HELM specification allows "in-line" annotation and also annotations after the third $. These third section annotations can be JSON and so create more flexibility than the in-line annotations.

The webeditor strips out any third section annotations and only displays the rest of the molecule.

Examples used below PEPTIDE1{L.V.A}$$${"PEPTIDE1":{"ChainType":"hc"}}$V2.0 BLOB1{Bead}$$${"Name":"Gold particle conjugated with peptides","Load":26}$V2.0 RNA1{R(A)P.R(C)P.R(G)}$$${"my annotation"}$V2.0

The webeditor should be able to handle these annotations.