PistoiaHELM / HELMWebEditor

Web browser based editor for drawing HELM macromolecules.
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Rule is not applied as expected #221

Closed ypotier closed 5 years ago

ypotier commented 5 years ago

I am trying to use the following rule to replace the linker:

I tried function(plugin){var n = plugin.replaceMonomer(org.helm.webeditor.HELM.BASE, 'P','sP');return n>0;} and function(plugin){var n = plugin.replaceMonomer(org.helm.webeditor.HELM.BASE, 'P','[sP]');return n>0;}

In both case, I have the following message: 'Rule applied, but nothing changed' while I expect the phosphate to be replaced by Phosporothioate .

ypotier commented 5 years ago

@ClairePA helped me and it was because the syntax was wrong: BASE should be LINKER in the function