PistoiaHELM / HELMWebEditor

Web browser based editor for drawing HELM macromolecules.
MIT License
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Webservices calculates mol wt for in-line HELM with unused connection points #224

Open ClairePA opened 5 years ago

ClairePA commented 5 years ago

Structures with unused connection points should not have a calculated mol wt.

Example HELM strings where there are unused connection points that can be used for testing.

PEPTIDE1{[C(=O)[C@H](C)N([*:1])C]}$$$$ PEPTIDE1{[C(=O)[C@H](C)N(*)C |$_;;;;;;;_R1;;;$]}$$$$ PEPTIDE1{[[*:2]C(=O)[C@H](C)N([*:1])C]}$$$$