PistoiaHELM / HELMWebEditor

Web browser based editor for drawing HELM macromolecules.
MIT License
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Monomer lib 2 monomers changed between versions #227

Closed ClairePA closed 5 years ago

ClairePA commented 5 years ago

The monomers used in the demo HELM webeditor at http://webeditor.openhelm.org/hwe/examples/App.htm are correct: image C terminal groups like acyl are correctly defined with R2 groups image

however the later webeditor versions at http://webeditor.openhelm.org:8000/hwe/examples/App.htm and have changed the C terminal groups into N terminal groups by replacing the R2 connection point with R1.


So monomers like acyl now join peptide polymers in the wrong position.


ClairePA commented 5 years ago

Monomer list is now updated. Close.