PitchLabsAsh / vapor-firestore

MIT License
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Vapor Firestore Provider

Vapor-firestore is a lightweight provider which allows you to easily connect your Vapor project to a Firestore database and perform basic crud operations via the Firebase REST API.


You will need:


In your Package.swift file, add the line

.package(url: "https://github.com/PitchLabsAsh/vapor-firestore.git", from: "0.1.0")

Also add VaporFirestore as a dependency

dependencies: ["Vapor", ..., "VaporFirestore"]


  1. To use the VaporFirestore, you'll need a Firebase project, a service account to communicate with the Firebase service, and a configuration file with your service account's credentials.
  1. Register VaporFirestore as a Provider and import VaporFirestore. This is usually done in configure.swift
import VaporFirstore

let firestoreConfig = FirestoreConfig(projectId: "projectId", email: "service-account-email", privateKey: "service-account-private-key")
try! services.register(FirestoreProvider())


First setup a model for your document. The current implementation of Vapor-Firestore uses helper wrappers when defining documents for example:

struct ArticleFields: Codable {
    var title: Firestore.StringValue
    var subTitle: Firestore.StringValue
    var isAvailable: Firestore.BooleanValue
    var publishedAt: Firestore.TimestampValue
    var likeCount: Firestore.IntegerValue

To create a new document using this model:

let testObject = ArticleFields(title: Firestore.StringValue("A title"), subTitle: Firestore.StringValue("A subtitle"), isAvailable: Firestore.BooleanValue(true), publishedAt: Firestore.TimestampValue(Date()), likeCount: Firestore.IntegerValue(1))

let result = try client.firestore.createDocument(path: "test", fields: testObject, on: request)

To retrieve an array of all objects in this collection using this model:

let result: [Firestore.Document<ArticleFields>] = try client.firestore.listDocuments(path: "test", on: request)

To retrieve an individual object in this collection using this model:

let result: Firestore.Document<ArticleFields> = try client.firestore.getDocument(path: "test/<object-id>", on: request)

To update a document with all fields:

let result = try client.firestore.updateDocument(path: "test/<object-id>", fields: testObject, updateMask: nil, on: request)

To update specific fields of a document you must declare a new model with only those fields and pass a mask:

struct ArticleUpdateFields: Codable {
    var title: Firestore.StringValue

let updateObject = ArticleUpdateFields(title: Firestore.StringValue("An updated title again"))
let result = try client.firestore.updateDocument(path: "test/<object-id>", fields: updateObject, updateMask: ["title"], on: request)


The Vapor-Firstore project contains some example simple unit tests. If you want to run these tests you will need to create a test Firestore database and add the service account credentials to Application+Testing.swift. The testUpdateDoc and testGetDoc tests require a document to exist before they will pass. The easiest way to do this is to first run just the testCreateDoc test which will create a document of the test structure and output its object-id. Cut and paste this id into the update and get tests and then comment out testCreateDoc to avoid continually createing documents everytime you run the tests.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
