Pithaya / spicetify-apps-dist

Used to publish the custom apps from this repo (https://github.com/Pithaya/spicetify-apps) to the Spicetify marketplace.
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[Suggestion] Link Decay Factor #15

Open Undercoverer opened 1 year ago

Undercoverer commented 1 year ago

I noticed that the app sometimes repeats the same segments too frequently immediately after eachother, which reduces the novelty. I think it would be useful if there was a way to control how much the app avoids following a link that was recently followed. This would allow us to fine-tune how often the app jumps to a different segment and create more diversity.

I suggest adding two parameters: link decay factor (LDF) and link decay rate (LDR). LDF determines how much the app decreases the probability of following a link that was recently followed. LDR determines how fast the app forgets about the link history over time.

The formula for calculating the probability of following a link could be:

P(link) = P0 * (1 - LDF) ^ N


P(link) is the probability of following that link P0 is the original probability of that link from before LDF is the link decay factor N is the number of times that link has been followed in the link history

The formula for updating N could be:

N = N * (1 - LDR)


N is the number of times that link has been followed in the link history LDR is the link decay rate

The user could adjust LDF and LDR using sliders or input fields in the settings, and possibly also a slider to determine how often the LDR calculation would be done. Set to "links followed" or "beats" and then a slider or entry box for that as well

I think this feature would improve the user experience and make the app more customizable.

Thank you for your hard work 🙏🙏

Pithaya commented 1 year ago

That's a really good idea, thanks ! I'll add that to my todo list 👍