Pithaya / spicetify-apps-dist

Used to publish the custom apps from this repo (https://github.com/Pithaya/spicetify-apps) to the Spicetify marketplace.
114 stars 24 forks source link

How to install the custom apps

Eternal Jukebox

  1. Run spicetify config-dir to open the spicetify folder.
  2. Go to the CustomApps folder.
  3. Create a eternal-jukebox folder.
  4. Download the custom app files as a zip from here.
  5. Extract the zip and put the files inside the folder you created in step 3.

Then, run the following commands:

spicetify config custom_apps eternal-jukebox
spicetify apply

Better local files

  1. Run spicetify config-dir to open the spicetify folder.
  2. Go to the CustomApps folder.
  3. Create a better-local-files folder.
  4. Download the custom app files as a zip from here.
  5. Extract the zip and put the files inside the folder you created in step 3.

Then, run the following commands:

spicetify config custom_apps better-local-files
spicetify apply

How to uninstall the custom apps

Eternal Jukebox

  1. Run spicetify config-dir to open the spicetify folder
  2. Go to the CustomApps folder
  3. Delete the eternal-jukebox folder

Then, run the following commands:

spicetify config custom_apps eternal-jukebox-
spicetify apply

Better local files

  1. Run spicetify config-dir to open the spicetify folder
  2. Go to the CustomApps folder
  3. Delete the better-local-files folder

Then, run the following commands:

spicetify config custom_apps better-local-files-
spicetify apply