We're currently using protobuf to serialize sensor data from the teensy to the pi. This works fine, but it creates coupling and makes it harder to adapt our code (Teensy -> proto -> transceiver -> ROS pub).
Haven't looked too much into it, but MicroROS should let us eliminate the need for protobuf, and for transceiver being a 'middleman' between the teensy and pi (Teensy -> ROS pub). Pros are we can test sensors without needing the transceiver to run. Also makes it easier to swap out sensors.
We're currently using protobuf to serialize sensor data from the teensy to the pi. This works fine, but it creates coupling and makes it harder to adapt our code (Teensy -> proto -> transceiver -> ROS pub).
Haven't looked too much into it, but MicroROS should let us eliminate the need for protobuf, and for transceiver being a 'middleman' between the teensy and pi (Teensy -> ROS pub). Pros are we can test sensors without needing the transceiver to run. Also makes it easier to swap out sensors.
https://micro.ros.org/docs/tutorials/core/teensy_with_arduino/ https://manzurmurshid.medium.com/how-to-connect-teensy-3-2-with-micro-ros-and-ros2-foxy-6c8f99c9b66a