Example of using the Piwik PRO Tracking SDK for Android
In order to compile the demo app by yourself, complete the following steps:
Install and configure Android Studio and Android SDK Packages
Clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/PiwikPRO/piwik-pro-sdk-demo-android.git
Open the cloned folder in Android Studio as a new project and configure Gradle
In the terminal, run ./gradlew :exampleapp:assembleDebug
Copy the .apk file from exampleapp/build/outputs/apk/exampleapp-debug.apk
to your device and open it
If You want to run application:
To connect the app to your Piwik PRO instance, go to Settings and set your instance URL and website ID. Use "Update Host and Site ID" to save your settings. Then, you can log into your instance and go to "Analytics -> Settings -> Tracker debugger" to see the data in real-time.
The app supports tracking Analytics events:
The app also supports using the Audience Manager methods in the SDK:
There's also a Settings activity with customizable "dry run", "opt out" and "session timeout", "prefixing" parameters.
Please direct any feedback to https://github.com/PiwikPRO/piwik-pro-sdk-demo-android/issues