PixarAnimationStudios / OpenUSD-proposals

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Physical Cameras for USD #41

Open meshula opened 2 months ago

meshula commented 2 months ago

Physical Cameras for USD

On behalf of the Cameras in USD Working Group:

This schema usefully bridges the description of physical cameras to USD scenes.

rendered link:


The physical camera is a primitive meant to be a target for construction of a physical camera model through applied, and multiply applied schemas.

The physical camera is a GeomXformable, and thus inherits the transform
schema.  The physical camera also inherits the UsdGeomImageable schema,
which provides facilities for controlling visibility and rendering of the

The physical camera provides a number of attributes that are meant to be
authored by a user or by a DCC import process.  These attributes are
generally meant to be authored once, and then left alone.

The concept is that the PhysicalCamera is just like a real camera that may
be used and measure on a real life stage, and it's attributes recorded in
a usd file. A real camera is a body, with a lens, and a film back, all
interchangeable, and these concepts are reflected in the proposed schema.

Supporting Materials



dgovil commented 1 month ago

Link to Rendered Proposal for convenience