Welcome to OpenUSD-proposals, a forum for sharing and collaborating on proposals for the advancement of USD.
Before getting started, please familiarize yourself with the contents of the Supplemental Terms page.
If you are interested in browsing existing proposals, please proceed right to the current list of proposals, with status information.
For inspiration, here are several proposals that have previously been worked through: https://openusd.org/release/wp.html
Initial discussion and coordination of effort may occur in face-to-face meetings, the AOUSD forum, the Academy Software Foundation's wg-usd Slack channels, and other venues.
When a proposal has taken enough shape that it warrants detailed feedback and iteration, this repository exists as a place to work together on artifacts such as white papers, sample schema definitions, and so on.
for the proposal and its materials, and a README.md.
When writing and submitting a proposal, we make the following suggestions for receiving the best feedback.
Include a link to the rendered proposal in your PR description. This can be as simple as linking to the markdown file in your source branch.
This makes it significantly easier for someone to read the document in a well formatted way.
Your PR and proposal should include, and ideally start with, a short summary of what your change would achieve.
A possible structure could be:
It is highly recommended that any submitted proposal include text examples of what your proposal would look like
in .usda
It's recommended that long sentences be split over multiple lines in your Markdown file. This allows more granular feedback, and easier viewing of the files.
Some proposals are inherently of significant size. In those case it is recommended to do one or both of the following:
Divide your proposal into smaller sections. These can be sections within the same document or separate documents.
This helps make each section easier to digest and provide feedback on.
A typical workflow for the proposal PR will have some initial discussion on the PR itself. Once some level of consensus has been reached on the proposal details, the PR may be landed. Iteration of the proposal may proceed via subsequent PRs, discussions in the corresponding issue, or using other tools available in github's interface.
New issues and PRs related to the proposal should be linked to the initial proposal by autolinking the original proposal PR (eg, #1234).
At any point, proposal text may be used in other contexts. For example, a proposal may be referenced when writing new schemas or code for USD. Referencing a proposal in this way does not guarantee that the proposal will advance beyond a discussion stage.
When a proposal has been approved as a starting point for implementation, that should be noted here with an updated proposal status (see section below). Subsequent development should occur in the appropriate forums. For example, if a proposal has been developed into code and concrete schemas, that might become a pull request against the main OpenUSD repo. Such a development should be noted in the proposal's README.md file and linked to the pull request in the main OpenUSD repo.
There are five proposal statuses:
You can monitor your proposal status using the OpenUSD Proposals Status page
New PRs are automatically given the To do status. This indicates the proposal is still in an early draft that is not yet ready for discussion/comments.
When the proposal is changed to the Draft status, this indicates the proposal is ready to be reviewed and discussed; however it is still work-in-progress and may continue to be updated.
Once a proposal is complete and fully reviewed, it will be merged and can be moved to Published status. This indicates the proposal can be used as a starting point for implementation. Any changes to the proposal at this point would need to be filed as a new PR.
Once implementation work has been completed, the proposal will be moved to Implemented status, with indication of which version of USD the proposal was implemented in.
The success of the forum is predicated on involvement and communication, so consider this an appeal to everyone's creativity and thoughtful consideration.
Civility, inclusiveness, friendship, and constructive collaboration shall be the hallmarks of this forum.
Thank you for your participation!