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Text Hydra-level feedback #58

Open tcauchois opened 1 month ago

tcauchois commented 1 month ago

Hi all,

Some feedback on the implementation portion of the text proposal:

Rprims and Shader:

UsdImagingText, UsdImagingMarkupParser:


Thanks! Tom

PierreWang commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you. There are several discussions about the rendering part of the text. One issue is that currently there are several different ways to render the characters. MSDF is one of the most commonly used method, but some people may still choose to draw the characters using a simple bitmap. I hope that we can have a default way to draw the characters, but user could use their own method. So I would like to have the getOpacity function implemented by a plugin. We can provide a default plugin but the user could choose their own implementation.

I hope that there could be a separate presence shader part for the whole material network. Currently there is only the surface shader. Not only the text primitive, but the line style and other 2D like primitive may benefit from the shader.