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Autodesk: Update the LineStyle proposal from suggestions #60

Open erikaharrison-adsk opened 4 weeks ago

erikaharrison-adsk commented 4 weeks ago

Description of Proposal

It is preferred to use a separate schema for the DashDotLines, because the dash dot patterns can only be applied for the lines. If we directly add style property to the BasisCurves, the style property will be only valid when the type is linear. This constraint is not convenient. We also add a separate rprim for the new primitive. In this proposal, I add a separate section talking about the extents of the DashDotLines, and a section talking about how to handle screen space pattern. At the end of the proposal, two examples are provided.

Link to Rendered Proposal

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PierreWang commented 3 weeks ago

The bigger question in my mind is still if this schema is needed - I totally understand the utility of it, but it's also yet another schema to support everywhere, in addition to the underlying existing curves...

As @nvmkuruc pointed, the dash-dot patterned lines will interpret the width as screen-space width. This is different from the definition of a common Curve. To avoid schema slicing, it is better to use a separate typed schema.