Pixofield / keyshapejs

KeyshapeJS JavaScript Animation Library
MIT License
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KeyshapeJS JavaScript Animation Library

KeyshapeJS is a lighweight JavaScript library to animate SVG documents.

The library can animate CSS properties in DOM elements. It is possible to animate many elements and CSS properties in a compact form. Note that DOM attributes cannot be animated.

This library is used by the Keyshape animation software.

Controlling animations exported by Keyshape

The Keyshape app support page has tutorials showing how to control animations exported from Keyshape.

The timeline can be controlled like this:

KeyshapeJS.globalPlay();                // global play
KeyshapeJS.globalPause();               // global pause
KeyshapeJS.timelines()[0].time(1000);   // set the current time to 1000 millisecs

Using the npm package

The npm package makes it possible to import the KeyshapeJS library. It's useful when animating SVG inlined into HTML. It can't be used if the SVG is loaded using the <object> tag.

import * as KeyshapeJS from 'keyshapejs';
var timeline = KeyshapeJS.animate(...);

Times and values

Animations must have at least two times, the start time and the end time. Times cannot be negative and they must be in increasing order. Times are given in milliseconds.

There must be as many values as there are times. See below for details about accepted values.

Note that it is not possible to have "to" animations where the current DOM value is used as the starting value. Only explicitly set starting values can be used.

Animatable properties

Property names must be camelCase names, such as strokeWidth (not stroke-width). Property names with a dash, such as stroke-width, are not supported.

The following table lists supported properties and values they accept.

Property Accepted Values
mpath percentage (distance along a path)
posX number (gets converted to px)
posY number (gets converted to px)
rotate number (gets converted to px)
scaleX number (gets converted to px)
scaleY number (gets converted to px)
skewX number (gets converted to px)
skewY number (gets converted to px)
anchorX number (gets converted to px)
anchorY number (gets converted to px)
opacity number
visibility string: 'visible', 'hidden'
fillOpacity number
strokeOpacity number
fill color: '#80ff40', '#80ff40ff', 'url("#ref")', 'none'
stroke color: '#80ff40', '#80ff40ff', 'url("#ref")', 'none'
strokeDasharray number list: '10 20'
strokeDashoffset number (gets converted to px)
strokeWidth number (gets converted to px)
width number (gets converted to px)
height number (gets converted to px)
rx number (gets converted to px)
ry number (gets converted to px)
filter filter value: 'blur(0px) drop-shadow(0px 0px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0))'
d path data: 'path('M0,0L10,-30C15,-30,60,-25,60,-25L60,5Z')'

Only px length units can be used.

Note that the animated values of the d path data must have the same number of path commands and they must have the same commands. Otherwise a discrete jump happens between the values.

In addition to these properties, objects can travel along motion paths. See below for details.


The transform of a SVG element can be animated. The position, rotation, scale, skew and anchor point values can be animated individually with these properties: "posX", "posY", "rotate", "skewX", "skewY", "scaleX", "scaleY", "anchorX", "anchorY". They are composited together in that order.

Rotation, scale and skew are performed around the anchor point. By default, the anchor point is at the coordinate (0, 0). For rectangles, it is the top-left corner. For ellipses, it is the center. For paths, it is the zero coordinate in the path data.

Motion Paths

Objects can move along a motion path. The motion path is given as an SVG path and the distance on that path (0-100%) is animated. The motionRotate property can be used to make the object rotate to the direction of the path.

If a motion path animation and a transform animation exist for the same element, then the motion path animation is performed first and the transform animation is applied after it.

Here's an example showing how to animate along a motion path:

    [{ property: "mpath",
       times: [ 0, 700, 1000 ],
       values: [ "0%", "100%", "50%" ],
       motionPath: "M0,0C0,30,30,30,30,0L100,0",
       motionRotate: true }]);


The animate() method takes in an easing parameter. It is an array where each value corresponds to the times and values. The possible values for easing are the standard CSS easing functions: linear, cubic-bezier() and steps(). The default value is "cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.58, 1)" which is the same as CSS "ease-out".

    [{ property: "opacity", times: [ 0, 200, 400, 600 ], values: [ 0, 1, 0, 1 ],
       easing: [ "linear", "cubic-bezier(0.3, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7)", "steps(5, start)" ] }]);

Easing string values can be given as an array of numbers:


    [{ property: "opacity", times: [ 0, 200, 400, 600 ], values: [ 0, 1, 0, 1 ],
       easing: [ [0], [1, 0.3, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7], [2, 5] ] }]);


An individual property animation can be repeated. The iteration count indicates how many times the keyframes should be repeated. Only values greater than 1 will make the animation repeat. Keyframes can be repeated forever by setting the iteration count to Infinity.

    [{ property: "posX", times: [0, 1000], values: [100, 200], iterations: 2 },
    [{ property: "opacity", times: [0, 500, 1000], values: [0, 1, 0], iterations: Infinity }]);


A timeline object can be in "running", "finished", "paused" or "idle" state.

When play() is called, the state becomes "running". When a timeline reaches its end, the state becomes "finished". The state is "paused" after pause() is called. The state is "idle" if the timeline is not on the timeline list or it has not been played yet.

var a = KeyshapeJS.animate("#elem", [{ property: "opacity", times: [0, 1000], values: [0, 1] }]);
console.log("State: "+a.state()); // prints "running"

Playback rate

The playback rate of a timeline object can be changed. The normal playback rate is 1, which is the default value. The playback rate can be increased for faster playback. It can be negative to make the timeline go backwards.

It can be set to zero to make the timeline stop. In that case, the timeline is still running, but it just does not progress. It also keeps the animation engine running, so it is preferable to pause timelines instead of setting the rate to zero. Pausing stops the animation engine and does not consume processor cycles.

var a = KeyshapeJS.animate("#elem", [{ property: "opacity", times: [0, 1000], values: [0, 1] }]);
a.rate(2);              // play at double speed
console.log(a.rate());  // prints "2"

Timeline list

The animate() method adds timeline objects to a timeline list. The timeline list contains all timelines which can be played and paused. The timelines are played in the order given by the list. If two timelines target the same element and property, then the later one wins.

It is possible to remove and add timeline objects from/to the list. Removing a timeline from the list changes its state to "idle" and it cannot be played anymore. Adding a timeline to the list keeps its state as "idle" but it can be played or paused.

After timeline objects are removed from the list and they are no longer referenced by any JavaScript variable, they will be freed by the JavaScript garbage collector.

var list = KeyshapeJS.timelines();            // returns all timelines in the timeline list
KeyshapeJS.remove(list[0]);                   // removes the first timeline object from the list
KeyshapeJS.removeAll();                       // removes all timeline objects

Options: autoplay, autoremove and markers

The animate() method takes in options for autoplay and autoremove. They are given as the last parameter for the animate() method:

             [{ property: "opacity", times: [0, 1000], values: [0, 1] }],
             { autoplay: false, autoremove: false, markers: { "m1", 500 } });

The autoplay option can be used to make the timeline play immediately. Setting it to false will keep the timeline in its "idle" state. The default is autoplay: true.

The autoremove option causes the timeline to be automatically removed from the timeline list when it is finished. The default is autoremove: true.

Note: the autoremove: true feature may change in the future, so using it should be avoided.

Markers are predefined time values, which can be used as times in play(), pause(), range() and time().

Short key names

To make the animation data more compact, the keys given to the animate() method can be replaced with a single letter versions:


KeyshapeJS.animate("#elem", [{ p: "opacity", t: [0, 1000], v: [0, 1], e: [ 'linear' ] }]);

KeyshapeJS object methods

KeyshapeJS.animate(target, animationValues, [target, animationValues,]* options)

Creates and returns a timeline object for the target element animating it using animationValues. The timeline object is always automatically added the timeline list. It is possible to have multiple targets and animationValues to pack many different animations into one object.

The target must be a CSS id selector or a DOM element.

The options parameter is an object with the following values:


// animate an element with id "ball", moves its x from 100 to 200 in 1.5 seconds.
var a = KeyshapeJS.animate("#ball",
                   [ { property: "posX", times: [ 0, 1500 ], values: [ 100, 200 ] } ]);

// animate an element with id "myId", moves its y from 50 to 120 in 1.5 seconds
// after a 1 second delay.
           [ { property: "posY", times: [ 1000, 2500 ], values: [ 50, 120 ] } ]);

// animate with options
           [ { property: "posY", times: [ 1000, 2500 ], values: [ 50, 120 ] } ],
           { autoplay: false, autoremove: false, markers: { "m1", 500 } });


Returns: The KeyshapeJS object is returned for method chaining.

Changes the global timeline to running. Any timeline in the "running" state will start progressing.


Returns: The KeyshapeJS object is returned for method chaining.

Changes the global timeline to paused. All timelines stop progressing, but their states are not changed.


Returns "running" if the global timeline is playing or "paused" if the global timeline is paused.


Returns: an array of timeline objects which are in the timeline list.

var tls = KeyshapeJS.timelines();


Returns: The KeyshapeJS object is returned for method chaining.

Adds a timeline object to the end of the timeline list. If the timeline object is already in the list, then this method does nothing.




Returns: The KeyshapeJS object is returned for method chaining.

Removes an timeline object from the timeline list. If the timeline object is not in the timeline list, then this method does nothing.

Note: the remove() method may change in the future, so using it should be avoided.

var tls = KeyshapeJS.timelines();
KeyshapeJS.remove(tls[0]);        // removes the first timeline object
KeyshapeJS.add(tls[0]);           // adds the removed object back to the end of the list


Returns: The KeyshapeJS object is returned for method chaining.

Removes all timeline objects from the timeline list.

KeyshapeJS.removeAll();     // removes all timeline objects

Note: the removeAll() method may change in the future, so using it should be avoided.


A string property containing the current library version number.

console.log("Version is: "+KeyshapeJS.version);

Timeline object methods


Returns: The timeline object is returned for method chaining.

Starts playing the timeline from the current time or the given millisecs time, if the parameter is given and it is not null. The state of the timeline is changed to "running".

It is possible to pass in a marker name to play from the marker's time.

Throws an exception if the timeline has not been added to the timeline list.

Note: If the playback rate has been set to zero, then the state is changed to "running", but the timeline does not progress.

tl.play();                  // starts playing the timeline
tl.play(1800);              // starts playing the timeline at 1.8 seconds
tl.play("my-marker");       // starts playing the timeline from the marker time


Returns: The timeline object is returned for method chaining.

Pauses the timeline. If the millisecs parameter is given, then the current time is set to it. The state of the timeline is changed to "paused".

It is possible to pass in a marker name to use its time.

Throws an exception if the timeline has not been added to the timeline list.

tl.pause();             // pauses the timeline at the current time
tl.pause(1800);         // pauses the timeline and sets the time to 1.8 seconds
tl.pause("my-marker");  // pauses the timeline and sets the time to the marker's time


Gets or sets the current time.

Returns: The current time or the timeline object for method chaining.

Throws an exception if the timeline has not been added to the timeline list.

If no parameter is given, then returns the current time. If the timeline object is not in the timeline list or its state is "idle", then null is returned.

If the parameter is given, then the current time is set to it.

It is possible to pass in a marker name to use its time.

var millisecs = tl.time();    // gets the current time of the 'tl' timeline object
tl.time(2300);                // sets the current time to 2.3 seconds
tl.time("my-marker");         // sets the current time to the marker's time


Returns "idle" if the timeline has no effect, "running" if the timeline is playing, "paused" if the timeline is paused and "finished" if the timeline has reached its end.

If the playback rate is set to zero while the timeline is playing, then the current time is not progressing, but this method still returns "running".

Timelines which are not in the timeline list always return "idle".

var tl = KeyshapeJS.animate("#elem", [{ property: "opacity", times: [0, 1000], values: [0, 1] }]);
console.log(tl.state());      // returns "paused"


Returns the duration of the timeline in milliseconds. If the timeline has infinite iterations, then Infinity is returned. This can also return 0 for zero duration timelines. The returned value is the time of the keyframe animations including any iterations. Loop counts and the play range do not affect it.

var millisecs = tl.duration();
var percentage = tl.time() / tl.duration();
// note: percentage will be zero if duration() is Infinity
// and will be Infinity if duration() is zero


Returns: The current playback rate or the timeline object for method chaining.

Gets the current playback rate if no parameter is given. Sets the playback rate if the value is given and returns the timeline object for method chaining.

The rate value can be negative to play the timeline backwards. The rate value can be zero. In that case, the timeline does not progress, but its state is still "running".

tl.rate(1);           // normal playback rate
tl.rate(2);           // double playback rate
tl.rate(-1);          // plays the timeline backwards
var r = tl.rate();    // returns the current playback rate

timeline.range(inTime, outTime)

Returns: The current play range or the timeline object for method chaining.

Gets or sets the play range for the timeline. If no parameters are given, then the current play range is returned as an object with two values: { in: in-time, out: out-time }.

If parameters are given, then the range is set. If only the inTime is given, then duration() is used as the outTime.

The in and out times must not be negative and the out time must be greater than the in time, otherwise an exception is thrown.

It is possible to pass in marker names as inTime and outTime.

The play range is used to detect when a timeline is finished or looped. The play range affects the timeline only if the timeline is "running". If the timeline's time becomes greater than the range out time, then the timeline is either finished or looped. A finished timeline will stop at the range out time. A looped timeline will jump to the range in time. During reverse playback, the in time is used in place of the out time.

The play range does not have any effect if the timeline is not "running". The in time affects only looped timelines. Non-looped timelines are stopped at the out time and the in time is ignored.


var r = tl.range();                 // returns the current play range
tl.range(100, 1200);                // sets the play range to be between 0.1 and 1.2 secs
tl.range(100);                      // sets the play range to [100, duration()]
tl.range("mark1", "mark2");         // the play range uses the times defined by the markers


Returns: The current loop count or the timeline object for method chaining.

Gets or sets the loop count for the timeline. If no parameter is given, then this returns an object with a 'count' property, which indicates how many loop counts are left to go.

If the loopCount is given, then it is used as the current loop count. If it is true or Infinity, then the play range will be looped forever. Zero disables looping. Negative values are the same as zero.

The loop count indicates how many times the playback jumps from the end of the play range to the start of the play range. No jumps are made if the loop count is zero. If the loop count is greater than zero, then a jump is made and the loop count is decremented by one. For instance, setting the loop count to 2 means that the playback jumps twice from the end to the start.


tl.loop(true);          // loops forever
tl.loop(Infinity);      // loops forever
tl.loop(5);             // jumps 5 times
var lc = tl.loop();     // returns { count: 5 }


Returns: All time markers for the timeline or the timeline object for method chaining.

Gets or sets the markers for the timeline. If no parameter is given, then this returns an object containing all time markers for the timeline.

If markermap is given, then its values replace markers in the timeline.

For Keyshape 1.11 and earlier versions, markers contain only time. For Keyshape 1.12 and later versions, markers contain time and duration.

Examples for Keyshape 1.12 data:

var m = tl.markers();   // returns an object containing markers,
                        // e.g. { "m1": {"time": 1000}, "m2": {"time":2000, "dur": 1000} }
tl.markers({ "newm1": {"time":2000}, "marker2": {"time":5000, "dur":1000}); // sets new markers

Examples for Keyshape 1.11 data:

var m = tl.markers();   // returns an object containing markers, e.g. { "m1": 1000, "m2": 2000 }
tl.markers({ "newm1": 2000, "marker2": 5000 }); // sets new markers


Returns: Data for the given marker name or undefined if the marker is not found.

Gets the given marker's data.

For Keyshape 1.11 and earlier versions, markers contain only time. For Keyshape 1.12 and later versions, markers contain time and duration.

Example for Keyshape 1.12 data:

var marker = tl.marker("my-marker");      // gets "my-marker" data: {"time":1000, "dur":5000}

Example for Keyshape 1.11 data:

var timems = tl.marker("my-marker");      // gets the time for "my-marker" in millisecs

Callback: onfinish

The onfinish callback is called when a non-looping timeline reaches its play range out time (the in time for reverse playback). The onfinish callback is only called if the timeline is "running". Paused and idle timelines never have this callback called. 'this' is set to the finished timeline.

var tl = KeyshapeJS.animate("#elem", [{ property: "opacity", times: [0, 1000], values: [0, 1] }],
                      { autoplay: false });
tl.onfinish = function() { console.log("Done: "+this); } // 'this' is set to the timeline tl

tl.onfinish = undefined; // to remove callback

Callback: onloop

The onloop callback is called when a timeline is looped. The onloop callback is only called if the timeline is "running". Paused and idle timelines never have this callback called. 'this' is set to the looped timeline.

The current time is set to the play range in point before the onloop callback is called. To pause the timeline at the end of the range, call tl.pause(tl.range().out) in the callback.

var tl = KeyshapeJS.animate("#elem", [{ property: "opacity", times: [0, 1000], values: [0, 1] }],
                      { autoplay: false });
tl.onloop = function() { console.log("Looped: "+this); } // gets called twice, 'this' is tl
tl.onfinish = function() { console.log("Done!"); }       // gets called once


Animate the position X from 100px to 200px

var tl = KeyshapeJS.animate("#elem", [{ property: "posX", times: [0, 1000], values: [100, 200] }]);

Create a line animation

var pathElem = document.getElementById("my-path");
var len = pathElem.getTotalLength();
pathElem.setAttribute("stroke-dasharray", len);
var tl = KeyshapeJS.animate(pathElem, [{
    property: "strokeDashoffset", times: [0, 1000], values: [len, 0] }]);

Create a shape animation

There must be the same amount of path commands and the commands must be the same, otherwise a discrete animation is shown.

KeyshapeJS.animate("#my-path",[{ property: 'd',t: [0,1000], v:[

Standalone Usage

It is possible to use the library as a standalone animation engine.

Download the library and include the KeyshapeJS JavaScript library in the SVG file.

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" ...>
    <script xlink:href="https://github.com/Pixofield/keyshapejs/blob/master/keyshapejs.js"/>

Here's an example animating the opacity property of an element with the id "elem".

<rect id="elem" width="100" height="100"/>
    var tl = KeyshapeJS.animate("#elem", [{ property: "opacity", times: [0, 1000], values: [0, 1] }]);

The animate() method returns a timeline object, which can be paused and its time can be set. All time values are in milliseconds.

tl.pause();      // pauses the animation
tl.time(2000);   // set the time to 2.0 seconds
tl.play();       // plays the animation

The animate() method can animate multiple elements with different keyframes. This animates two elements:

    "#elem1", [{ property: "opacity", times: [0, 1000], values: [0, 1] }],
    "#elem2", [{ property: "strokeWidth", times: [1000, 1500], values: [1, 10] }],

Multiple properties can be animated. This animates stroke and stroke width of one element:

    [{ property: "stroke", times: [500, 1200], values: [ "#000000", "#808080" ] },
     { property: "strokeWidth", times: [600, 1300], values: [1, 10] }]);

The above can be combined to animate many properties in multiple elements.

Browser restrictions

Safari throttles the requestAnimationFrame callback heavily if the animated document is not visible on the page. It means that time(), state(), and onfinish are affected and have up-to-date information only every 10 seconds.

Safari may also drop the animation frame rate from 60 to 30 in power saving mode.


To create the JS module file and the minified file under the dist folder, run: (requires Node.js and npm)

npm install
npm run build

The minified version is created using the Google Closure compiler. Some platforms may require installing the Java runtime to run it.


The library follows the Semantic Versioning. The version number is made of three numbers (e.g., 1.3.6):


The MIT license. See the LICENSE file for the full license text.

The minified JavaScript file has a single line license text which is sufficient when redistributing it.

/* KeyshapeJS v1.1.1 (c) 2018-2021 Pixofield Ltd | pixofield.com/keyshapejs/mit-license */