PkuRainBow / HDC.caffe

Complete Code for "Hard-Aware-Deeply-Cascaded-Embedding"
GNU General Public License v3.0
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deep-learning embeddings image retrieval triplet-loss

Hard-Aware-Deeply-Cascaded-Embedding [ICCV2017 (spotlight)]

Congratulations to our work is accepted by ICCV2017 (spotlight).

There exist a typo previously about the initial learning rate of CARS196, 0.001 should be changed to 0.01. The HDC prefers larger learning rates.

Here is the link of the trained models(permitted for NON-COMMERCIAL usage only, if for COMMERCIAL, please contact

Drop Box Stanford-Online-Products/CUB-200-2011/CARS196

BaiduYunPan Stanford-Online-Products/CUB-200-2011/CARS196

04/11/2017 Add some tips on how to add new layers to caffe!

Note!!! I found many people do not know how to add new layers to caffe framework. Here is a vivid explainations: First you need to add the ".hpp cpp *.cu" to the project. Then you need to edit the caffe.proto. First you need to check the max ID that you have used. Here we will take the caffe.proto as an example. You could check that in the line 407 with the optional WindowDataParameter window_data_param = 129;. So you check in the lines(1169-1200) to know that the WindowDataParameter contains 13 parameters. Therefore, you need to add this line optional PairFastLossParameter pair_fast_loss_param = 143; as 129 + 13 = 142. Besides, you also need to add the the following lines to spercify the parameters of the newly added layers.

   message PairFastLossParameter {
     optional float margin = 1 [default = 1.0];
     optional float hard_ratio = 2 [default = 1.0];
     optional float factor = 3 [default = 10];
     enum MODE {
       POS = 0;
       NEG = 1;
       BOTH = 2;
     optional MODE mode = 4 [default = BOTH];

Update 03/30/2017 Information : The attached models are not well trained for the final test, as there exist some small bugs. We will release all the final single best models as soon as possible ! we fix a bug that the gradient problem for pair_fast_loss_layer !

Information : The weight_decay for CARS196 should be 0.0002, the original version is typed to be 0.0005 !

This repository has the source code for the paper "Hard-Aware-Deeply-Cascaded-Embedding_release". This paper is available on arXiv. For the loss layer implementation, look at the folder caffe_layers.

Citing this work

If you find this work useful in your research, please consider citing :

  title={Hard-Aware Deeply Cascaded Embedding},
  author={Yuan, Yuhui and Yang, Kuiyuan and Zhang, Chao},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.05720},


  1. Install Caffe (including the python interface if you want to use the test code)
  2. Add the "NormalizationLayer" and "PairFastLossLayer" to the caffe.


  1. caffe (python interface)
  2. matplotlib,cPickle,numpy,lmdb
  3. We assumed that you are using Windows (you can rewrite the .bat to .sh if you choose Linux or MacOs)

Datasets & Models

  1. Download pretrained GoogLeNet model from here
  2. Download the datasets needed (you could download them from the official sets): StanfordOnlineProducts CARS196 CUB200 DeepFashion (we will release our results on both both in-shop and consumer2shop.)
  3. You should change the path of images in the Training Prototxt.


Process Data: (you should in the folder /src_code/):

   python -d stanford_products
   python -d cub200
   python -d cars196
   python -d deepfashion

Training Models: (currently we only support HDC for your convenience)

   python -d stanford_products -c HDC
   python -d cub200 -c HDC
   python -d cars196 -c HDC

You could change the image path in the training prototxt to train the models with bounding boxes or not

Extract Features:

   python -d stanford_products -c HDC
   python -d cub200 -c HDC
   python -d cars196 -c HDC

Test Models:

   python -d stanford_products -c HDC
   python -d cub200 -c HDC
   python -d cars196 -c HDC

Improve Space

To get better results than the paper, you could simply by sampling more batches. For convenience, we all sample for 5000 times. In our experiments, by sampling 10,000 times could further improve the performance.