PlagiatBros / pytaVSL

python tiny approximative Virtual Stage Light
GNU General Public License v3.0
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python tiny approximative Virtual Stage Light

pytaVSL is a video-projection and compositing software built on top of pi3d. It's designed for the live and has many cool features:


Additional requirements for video playback:


usage: python3 -m pytaVSL [-h] [--namespace NAMESPACE] [--port PORT] [--load FILES [FILES ...]] [--text NAME:FONT [NAME:FONT ...]]
                          [--scenes FILES [FILES ...]] [--fps FPS] [--precompile] [--max-vram MAX_VRAM] [--memtest] [--fullscreen] [--api]
                          [--debug] [--show-fps] [--resolution WIDTHxHEIGHT] [--title TITLE] [--audio] [--jack] [--version]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --namespace NAMESPACE
                        osc namespace (default: pyta)
  --port PORT           udp port or unix socket path (default: 5555)
  --load FILES [FILES ...]
                        image files to load (default: None)
  --text NAME:FONT [NAME:FONT ...]
                        text objects to create (default: ['0:sans', '1:sans', '2:mono', '3:mono'])
  --scenes FILES [FILES ...]
                        scene files to load (default: None)
  --fps FPS             maximum framerate, 0 for free wheeling (default: 25)
  --precompile          precompile effect shaders at startup (default: False)
  --max-vram MAX_VRAM   maximum video memory allocation (in MB) (default: 64)
  --memtest             test video memory size (default: False)
  --fullscreen          launch in fullscreen (default: False)
  --api                 print osc api and exit (default: False)
  --debug               print debug logs (default: False)
  --show-fps            show fps (default: False)
  --resolution WIDTHxHEIGHT
                        output resolution (default: 800x600)
  --title TITLE         window title (default: pytaVSL)
  --audio               enable audio playback of video slides (when visible) (default: False)
  --jack                use jack backend for audio playback (default: False)
  --version             show program's version number and exit


The osc api can be read by running the following command:

python3 -m pytaVSL --api | less -cr


Copyleft © 2020 Plagiat Brother; Original prototype © Aurélien Roux; based upon Virtual Stage Light by Gregory David. This program is a free software released under the GNU/GPL3 license.

Included Fonts