PlanetCNC / PlanetCNCNpp

Expression calculator plugin for Notepad++
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update the nppPluginList "homepage" entry #1

Closed pryrt closed 2 years ago

pryrt commented 2 years ago

The nppPluginList entries for your plugin (64bit and 32bit) point users to your main homepage: image

The problem is, if someone is trying to find out what your plugin is or how it works before downloading it, all they have to go by is what they see in Plugins Admin: image ... and when they go to that website, it tells them about CNC USB controllers, which isn't helpful at all to a Notepad++ user looking for information about your plugin and what kind of expressions it can calculate.

Instead, if you changed the nppPluginList "homepage" entry to, it would take them here, which actually tells them about the plugin, and lets them know that it really is a plugin that does mathematical expression calculations in Notepad++, with details of what kinds of expressions it can calculate.

PlanetCNC commented 2 years ago

Fixed in version 1.1