PlanetHopf / LARS

MIT License
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Project Title:

An automation of Lexicons, Appendixes, and References from Articles and their Abstracts. Called L.A.R.s

Team Members:

Peter Call & Ian Chapman

Project Description:

The manual collecting and sorting of articles presents significant problems in the scholarly world. These problems are a lack of organization in the collection and relevance of articles in the research process, the misrepresentation of an article’s meaning, and standardization in the formatting and style for publications. Thus, the purpose of this project is to create a workshop to gain familiarity with github and git to that end. As such, the code here is very basic, to handle a simple collection of references, store that in some place, and process it for readiability. In no wise, is the expectation of this code, or rather workshop intended for anything else.

Input and Output

The input is a topic and the output is the Wikipedia summary and references for that topic in a .txt file.


The installation of this code has been written in such away that you can either copy and paste from the git itself into your own ide, or you can download and open it yourself. The only dependencies you will need is python -m pip install BeautifulSoup4. You can copy and paste that line into your terminal if you do not have it installed.


Reporting Bugs

The reporting of bugs is expected to handled in issues. Please submit there.

Want to Contribute?

If you would like to contribute to this project please submit a pull request as a branch and we will review it for consideration.

MIT License