PlanetaryRobotics / IrisRoverPackage

Complete software package for the Iris Lunar Rover (CMU).
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add No-WiFi Command Sequencing (auto moves when no-wifi). #163

Open zCoCo opened 1 year ago

zCoCo commented 1 year ago

NOTE: Now that Wifi works (as of RC6), this is much less important.

NOTE: Now that Wifi Passthrough Programming works (although currently risky), it would be possible to program this entirely within the Wf121 and then reflash the Wf121 on the Moon to add this feature. This should only be done if it's determined to be CRITICAL for mission success since the Passthrough Programming maneuver is very risky and can easily brick the Radio with the PIC ICSP interface not accessible. (If this doesn't make it into any future WD release, consider moving this to RadioNext milestone).

In Radio's Persistent Store, keep commands to be sent in the event of no wifi connection. Make this


NOTE: Radio has 4kB of Persistent Storage Space. NOTE: PS Keys 0x8000 to 0x807F are used for user data (128 keys, each of 255 bytes). NOTE: Due to flash endurance limitations, no more than 4MB can be written into the Radio's Persistent Store (over the lifetime of the device?)

Actually... use MSP430 Flash

... actually, as a safe-guard against no-wifi because the radio can't be programmed or becomes corrupted, we should make this all happen inside the WD. Most of the above applies, just with a different data storage method (MSP430 persistent memory). Tbd. Check into:

zCoCo commented 1 year ago

MSP430 FRAM Technology - How To and Best Practices