PlanetaryRobotics / IrisRoverPackage

Complete software package for the Iris Lunar Rover (CMU).
GNU General Public License v3.0
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WD `Echo` Ground Command doesn't work. #186

Open zCoCo opened 2 years ago

zCoCo commented 2 years ago

Echo command doesn't seem to work. Not sure why but also this isn't really used for anything. We have other alive-checking commands in the WD (ReportStatus) and other echo commands in other MCUs (CommandDispatcher_Cmdnoopstring in Hercules FPrime and RadioGround_Echo in Radio BGS).

Not sure if the issue requires an FSW fix or if it's just pack/unpacking string args weirdly and this could be fixed with GSW packing the data in an off-spec way.

NOTE: A fix for this isn't very important. This Issue is mainly just for documentation of a non-conformance.