If wifi disconnects, the FreeRTOS Wf121UdpTxTask in Hercules State Machine can get stuck waiting for a response (depending on when the disconnect happens). This is probably fine, since, like #133 as long as Radio telem continues and wireless uplink works, this is both detectable and correctable. For context
NOTE: Anytime wifi is connected (which is managed entirely by the WF121 chip):
the WF121 will downlink its own telemetry
and Hercules will be commandable over WiFi
(meaning we can always command it into wifi mode from Ground).
If wifi disconnects, the FreeRTOS
in Hercules State Machine can get stuck waiting for a response (depending on when the disconnect happens). This is probably fine, since, like #133 as long as Radio telem continues and wireless uplink works, this is both detectable and correctable. For contextNOTE: Anytime wifi is connected (which is managed entirely by the WF121 chip):
the WF121 will downlink its own telemetry
and Hercules will be commandable over WiFi