Massive overhaul on camera sensor interface to handle cable noise, metastability, clock domain crossing issues
Embed line and frame headers in image data
Improved FIFO interface, disentangling Flash interface and camera sensor interface
To the best extent possible, synchronized everything (in the FPGA) to the FPGA sys clock.
Camera Component
Added commands to capture and downlink separately.
Added binning & compression for massive speed up in image downlink (top speed at 31-35s)
Added (broken?) command to set up an IMU/28V-triggered capture of a deployment image.
Navigation Component
Unused. Gone. (cut from FPrime Topology).
WD Hercules Monitor
Now power cycles Hercules if resetting didn't work
WD Safety Timer
Safety Timer added to gracefully fully reboot the rover (except batteries) if WD doesn't hear from ground (receive a Safety Timer ACK command) every Xs (configurable).
WD (general)
Audited a lot of logic. Cleaned up where necessary, fixing some TODOS.
Improved messaging about certain states.
Heater Control
Key settings now persistent
Improvements in how WD handles this (better messaging and controls)
Fixed Hercules not actually setting its bit
Tested on SBC4, measuring outputs
Iris Console (legacy)
Fixed event display so they no longer show up as HTML
Added new Packets for the above
Packet display improvements (fixed and updated some bitfields)
Summary of Key Updates:
New FPGA FW from RC11:
Camera Component
Navigation Component
WD Hercules Monitor
WD Safety Timer
WD (general)
Heater Control
Iris Console (legacy)