Plattar / python-xrutils

Docker image for performing various file conversion tasks.
Apache License 2.0
32 stars 5 forks source link

Twitter: @plattarglobal License

Python XRUtils is a docker image that contains a number of pre-built tools useful for 3D file conversions. These tools typically take a long time to build from source. This image can serve as a useful base for other applications. Check out the Plattar dockerhub repository for the latest pre-built images.



Prebuilt containers are available from Plattar dockerhub repository.

Building/Running Locally
# to build a local version of this repository run the following script
docker-compose -f live.yml build

# once built, run the following script to bring up the container
docker-compose -f live.yml up

# once the container is running, the user can exec into it with the following command
docker exec -it plattar-xrutils /bin/sh

# to clean everything run the following script as follows


Built container places all executables in the PATH environment and can be accessed as follows.

# Use Assimp assimp tool for 3D file conversions

# Apple usdzconvert tool, convert GLTF to USDZ


This tool relies on the following open source projects.