Plompi / VinURL

A Minecraft Fabric mod to download your favourite Tunes
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Music disc fails to write URL in multiplayer servers #1

Open NatoBoram opened 2 months ago

NatoBoram commented 2 months ago

The GUI fails to write music discs in multiplayer servers sometimes. There's no logs so I can't really debug it more than that.

Version used: 1.1.1

To reproduce:

  1. Set an URL using the GUI
  2. Play the music to completion
  3. Take back the music disc and try to write it again

Not sure if it requires multiple players with the mod installed or not

Changing it with a command works:

data modify block ~ ~-1 ~ RecordItem merge value {tag:{music_url:""}}

The built-in command doesn't work

Plompi commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the bug-report, sadly your steps to reproduce the issue didnt work for me, which makes it hard to work on this issue. Because of that, this issue is on hold for now until more is known about it