Plompi / VinURL

A Minecraft Fabric mod to download your favourite Tunes
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VinURL is an exciting fork of the popular URL Music Discs mod by Hoofer. With the Custom Music Disc, players can download and play any cloud-hosted audio file directly in Minecraft or download them from YouTube, all via a URL, creating a personalized musical experience like never before.


Enter URL

1: Rightclick the Custom Music Disc \ 2: Enter a valid URL \ 3: Press Enter or Escape to set the URL


Use Disc

1: Insert the Disc into a Jukebox \ 2: Wait until the download completes \ 3: Enjoy the music :)



/vinurl update manually checks/installs updates for all the external executables that are required for the mod \ /vinurl delete deletes all downloaded audio files that are not being used at that moment for the player\ /vinurl config to open the config-screen \ /vinurl set <URL> writes the specified to the held Custom Music Disc (can be used if GUI doesnt work)


DiscRecipe \ it's shapeless, no need to align the colors with the shown image


various client-side settings can be made. The config-screen can be accessed through ModMenu or the slash command (see Commands Section)