Plompi / VinURL

A Minecraft Fabric mod to download your favourite Tunes
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Enhancement: Automatic Replay for Jukebox Songs #10

Open Handyfon opened 3 weeks ago

Handyfon commented 3 weeks ago

Currently, when a song in a jukebox finishes playing, it stops, and the user must manually start it again if they wish to listen to it repeatedly. Adding an automatic replay feature would enhance user experience by allowing continuous play without manual intervention, especially useful in communal areas where background music is desired.

Proposed Feature Implement an "Automatic Replay" toggle option for jukeboxes that, when enabled, allows the song to restart immediately after it ends. This feature could be controlled directly through the jukebox's interface with a simple switch or button.

Expected Behavior With the automatic replay feature enabled:

A song reaches its end. The jukebox automatically restarts the song from the beginning without user input. The feature remains active until manually disabled, allowing continuous looping of the song.

Mabye with a command or with the config?

Impact This feature would primarily impact players using jukeboxes in their bases or communal areas.

Handyfon commented 3 weeks ago

8 Together these enhancements would add so much, like giving each city a soundtrack 🔥