Plompi / VinURL

A Minecraft Fabric mod to download your favourite Tunes
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Game freezes when disc used on Valkyrien Skies ships #14

Open Peter226 opened 1 week ago

Peter226 commented 1 week ago

Exactly as title says, insert disc into a jukebox which is on a Valkyrien Skies 2 physics entity and the game will freeze. The freeze lasts for a few seconds and the game carries on, but with no song played. Every time I remove and insert the disc again this exact same thing happens. I have looked in the VS2 source code and it looks like it does some standard stuff, so maybe the issue is with this mod? As I've checked this mod plays the record sounds in a bit more customized/hacky manner.

Also, I'm using Sound Physics Remastered, but it does not seem to effect this much, the reverb works with VinURL too, and normal records do play on VS2 ships as they should.