Plompi / VinURL

A Minecraft Fabric mod to download your favourite Tunes
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Hopper under Jukebox takes custom record almost immediately plus more #4

Open TheMasterBlaster opened 1 month ago

TheMasterBlaster commented 1 month ago

1.A A hopper under the Jukebox will take the Custom Record from the Jukebox withing a few seconds causing the custom music to continue to play.

1.B Breaking a Jukebox that has had the Custom Record taken via a Hopper will not stop the music.

  1. The note particle is only visible for a second when playing a Custom Record.

  2. Parrots only dance to Custom Records for a few seconds before they stop.

Plompi commented 1 month ago

sadly all of these issues are related to the fact, that the Custom Music Disc uses a Placeholder Sound which is only a few seconds long and when inserted into a Jukebox, the Song Sound is being started manually for the Player. Currently i dont see a way how to change this system but maybe in the future some ideas pop up.

BoredInAHouse commented 1 month ago

I wish this would be an easy fix like when you upload your URL onto the music disc it changes its properties to match linked music’s duration.

I’m really enjoying this mod with my friends on our 1.20.4 server, but making repeating jukebox playlist with redstone, makes it impossible when hopper instantly takes custom music discs out.

Please I would be very grateful for this fix so hopper takes music disc out when it stops playing.

Best of luck! And thank you for this mod!

BoredInAHouse commented 1 month ago

2nd issue related to this topic is that no matter how fast hopper takes out custom disc, even after a minute of playing the song, whenever it takes that disc out the music will still be playing even so the music disc is already in hopper.

Plompi commented 1 month ago

I can most likely solve the hopper issue, but the music disc would be pretty much unusable with a hopper, because it would stop after a few seconds.

BoredInAHouse commented 1 month ago

Maybe you could add a command, so we can loop a single song played in a jukebox? + would it remember to resume the song after server restart?

BoredInAHouse commented 1 month ago

Also if a playlist would be linked, a /shuffle command would be really nice.

I believe that will resolve this issue, at least without changing too much.

Handyfon commented 3 weeks ago

10 Mention this here as well :D