Plompi / VinURL

A Minecraft Fabric mod to download your favourite Tunes
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Enhancement: Volume Configuration #8

Open Handyfon opened 3 weeks ago

Handyfon commented 3 weeks ago

The current implementation of jukeboxes in our application plays songs at a fixed volume level, which is often perceived as too loud by many users. This issue has been noted across various tracks and seems to be consistent regardless of the user's general system volume settings.

Expected Behavior Users should have the ability to adjust the volume of songs played through jukeboxes. This could be implemented at several levels:

Per Jukebox: Allow volume adjustments specific to each jukebox. Per Track: Enable users to set volume preferences for individual tracks. Global Setting: Provide a global setting that adjusts the jukebox volume across the entire application.

Suggested Solution Introduce a volume control slider in the jukebox interface, or implement a settings option where users can specify their preferred volume levels. This could be integrated into the existing settings menu, with options to save user preferences for future sessions.